Thursday, May 24, 2007

All Aboard the Blog Train!

Well, after many, many attempts to create this crazy thing I've finally done it! I'm not exactly what you'd call computer savvy so it's taken me about two whole months to get this far. Sad, I know! I've titled this blog "McClendon, Party of Five" because in less than three months we'll be adding one more McClendon to the party....another girl....which makes THREE girls! I'm probably more excited about this than Jonathan is. I think he was hoping for a little boy so he wouldn't be quite so outnumbered. However, Towns is a good mix of priss pot and tomboy so she'll get down and dirty with her Daddy without thinking twice about it. She's always up for anything. Now Bethany on the other hand has all but lost her ability to hang with her Daddy. I do have proof that once upon a time she was a duck hunter decked out in camo and waders (holding up a dead duck with great pride). The older she's gotten the more she likes to be inside doing girly things and not outside getting hot and sweaty! I have to admit I'm on her side! Anyway, without further delay here's McClendon, Party of Five....

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