Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dark Ages

It's rather comical, but I'm trying to document things in order and have to go back to my picture CDs from when I had a good ol' still camera! I can't put my hands on very many of the picture CDs though. So from the time we got married up until Christmas of '04 (when I got my digital camera) I have very few pictures. Jonathan and I took Bethany to NYC in June of '04 for the Belmont Stakes and I have great pictures from that....but of course have no clue where they are! The other big events of the summer is my brother Max making his grand entrance into the world and us finding out Towns was on the way. Other than that, I'll start at Christmas of '04 and go from there. I'm currently wondering why on Earth I thought that this would be easier than conventional's just as time consuming! But definitely worth every minute of it (because one day I'll be able to get a good laugh out of all this and say WHAT WAS I THINKING WEARING THAT?!) .

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