Saturday, July 21, 2007

Partner in Crime

This is the famous Anna Grace....sassy and sweet rolled into one. She was born when I was at home for Christmas Break my freshman year at Auburn. I was so distraught because I had to go back to school right after the first of the year and I had hoped she'd come in time for me to spend my whole break with her. But no! Should have known she was a hard-headed one from the very start...she waited until December 30th to make an appearance and I had to leave for school a few days later, which was pure torture. I cried the ENTIRE way back to Auburn because I didn't want to leave her. She'd come visit all the time during the time I was at Auburn but what was really fun was when I lived in Montgomery and she was just over an hour away. She'd spend the night with me and I'd spoil her rotten (of course, this was when I was single and working full time...HA!). She'd go home with a new wardrobe every time she came! We've always had a blast together and I'm SO very sad that I live 4 hours away from her. She's in school now (about to be a big time 3rd grader) and has a social calendar like no other, so I jump at the chance to see her when I can.

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