Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Eve

I'm finally getting back into the swing of things so here's the first installment of Christmas McClendon style...

I let Towns make Santa's reindeer a little snack thinking it would pass a good amount of time Christmas Eve night. She was itching for Christmas morning to come so we thought this would be a good way to distract her. I had some simple carrots in mind, you know since everyone knows reindeer love carrots. But my creative little chick had something completely different in mind....

After my boring carrot idea she went and got marshmellows...

And then chocolate covered raisins and really pretty sprinkles!

And naturally, we had to get a pink spatula to mix it all together with.

When it was all done she had to take a good look and make sure she'd gotten it all just right. Obviously reindeer food is serious business to a 2 year old! We put it on the front porch and she was pretty excited to see that it was all gone come Christmas morning! :)


  1. Um...can she write that recipe down for me? I am going to need that when Knox gets old enough to make Reindeer food! Maybe we will not make him use a pink spatula though!

  2. So, which one of you guys had the upset stomach from eating this reindeer food so that Towns would be surprised the next morning??
