Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Flaaash Baaack!

(As good old Mama Neenaw used to say at Camp Chi O)

I'm on a roll here....there should be a law against blogging this much in one day! Since Bethany's only with us every other weekend, I don't get the opportunity to take as many pictures of her as I'd like. I came across these pictures from August 2006 and had to make this my 3rd (and final) post for the night. I'm all blogged out after this! These are from when my sweet grandmother's 79th birthday doubled as a perfect photo op. We all gathered at my aunt Melissa's house in Montgomery and hired a professional photographer to take some family pics. These are some I took with my own camera so they're nowhere near professional, but I do love these pictures of Bethany. She looks so young! And I love her hair this length!

Solo shot!

Bethany and Towns

It would be a miracle if we ever got one of Towns actually looking at the camera!

One of my all time faves...

Bethany and Anna Grace

Anna Grace, Bethany & Mary Catherine

Towns, Me, AG, Bethany, MC & Max

Wish I knew what they were scheming up!

Granny is famous for her lectures & here I caught MC getting one!

The Birthday Princess blowing out her candles (she'll be 81 this August)!

1 comment:

  1. So cute, Tara! Your girls are beauty queens and you look fantastic! I loved all the pictures of Towns in her favorite outfits! She is such a girly-girl! Precious!
