Friday, March 7, 2008


If you're an avid Miley Cyrus fan, as am I, you'll know GNO. If you've been under a rock for the last year or so, it stands for Girls Night Out. Which is what I had last night, thanks to my sweet hubby who is always great about keeping the girls to let me get out for a bit. This is for you, Amy J, who was on me last night about my lack of blogging the last couple of weeks! Do I need to come give you a tutorial as to how to start your own?! It's about time your cuties made their debut on the blogging circuit! After our whirlwind of a day yesterday it was nice to have a fun, relaxing dinner with two good friends. It all started yesterday when school let out early and I headed to Chick Fil A with my friend Amy and her son Hart and my other friend Amy and her daughter Gray. Our run at Chick Fil A was short lived when we'd had all we could take (which totalled 30 minutes) of that madhouse. It was a zoo in there, which is what happens when every kid in Morgan County and their mom try to squeeze in such a tiny place. Insanity is what it was, actually. So we went straight to the mall and let the kids play at Chuck E Cheese for a while - aka the Kiddie Casino. It's crazy how much you can sink into tokens. And then when it's time to cash in your tickets all you can get from the $20 you've spent in tokens is 10 Tootsie Rolls. I was smart enough yesterday not to even go the token route. Towns is still at the age where she doesn't really get the concept that you have to have tokens to really play the games. She, Gray and Hart had a blast, so our mission was accomplished. Since Chuck E Cheese is in the mall, naturally we left there and went straight for the cookie store. The kids could hardly contain if they needed any help in the hyper department, we filled them full of cookies and Coke. By the time it was all said and done they'd covered every square foot of that mall at mock speed, thrown all of our money into the fountain, completely crashed the toy store, ridden the carousel, and torn Dillard's to pieces from top to bottom. We were those moms, if you know what I mean. Towns really has never known her feet could touch the ground at the mall because I rarely give her the freedom of walking around. That gives her reason to believe she has the reserved right to pick all the fanciest things off the shelves and take clothes off the racks. Wild kids in places like that is one of my pet peeves. And low and behold, I caved under the pressure and let my child run as fast as she wanted and do whatever she pleased. I think I was ok with it since I had two other moms with me so I all eyes weren't solely on me. It was one of those "well if she'll let her kid do it, then so will I" moments. Amy, Amy and I had just as much fun watching them as they had being complete wild indians. The best part was Gray and Towns hiding under the granny panty rack in Dillard's hoarding all the lingerie they'd found. Heaven forbid we try to get it all and put them back where it belonged. By this time they were all in dire need of a nap so you can only imagine how it went down hill from there. We finally got all the risque undergarments away from the girls and thought we were clear to head for the car. Not so. Cut to us being almost out of the store thinking Gray and Towns are right behind us. When we stop to look for them all we hear is giggling. Amy and I made our way to try to find them, and let me tell you, they're fast little things. Between the two of them they had two large handbags, an umbrella, a pair of earrings, three wallets, and I can't even remember what else. All we could do is laugh at this point. Us finally gathering our brood and getting out of the store was probably followed by loud applause by all of the sales women who'd been eyeing us the entire time. Oh, and let me not leave out how all three of the kids tried on every last shoe Dillard's carries. The ladies in the shoe department kept commenting on how cute they were, but I could see right through it. It's one of those times where you know what they're thinking. "Get those shoes off your kid's feet and out of their hands and GET OUT." That's probably the nice version. I think we said "if we only had a camera" about fifty times. The cutest part was the three amigos walking hand in hand out of Dillard's and to the car acting like the perfect angels that they are. HA! Anyway, we all made our way home just to meet up a few hours later and ride over to Huntsville for dinner at Rosie's. We got there before 7:00 and by the time we'd had dinner and talked about everything and everyone under the sun it was almost 10:00 - which is usually way past my bedtime! It was well worth it, and time flies when you're having fun! Thanks for a fun night, ladies! Can't wait to do it again SOON!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the updates! Gray has been talking about her friend Townes for days..."we played in the toy store, and with the panties, AND we ate cookies!" Rosies was oh so fun too! lets do it all again soon....can't wait until we can play outside!i'll bring the camera next time at least they'll go on YOUR blog!
