Thursday, September 25, 2008

Birthday Bliss

Sweet Cate had a great birthday yesterday! I do believe she got the birthday-loving gene from her mother because she didn't want to miss a minute of it...she slept for an entire ten minutes out of the whole day!

The birthday girl was bright-eyed the minute she woke up...she must have known it was a big day!

She opened her cards and presents right off the to start the day off right! The card in the middle was addressed by Towns (it's her version of Cate's name, kind of hard to read) it!

She could hardly walk fast enough to get to all her loot!

Once she figured out that tearing through gift bags was oh so fun, it was full speed ahead!

Seeing what's in bag #1

It took about .5 seconds for the scene above to unfold....she loves opening gifts!

Out of everything she got, the balls that came with her new house were her favorite! {FYI...the Fisher Price house front toy (in the background) is the best money ever spent!}

After presents, it was time for a round of "Happy Birthday" complete with a candle in her waffle! In this one she's watching in amazement as we're singing to her....

Next up, a trip to good ol' Chuck E. Cheese!

Apparently sprawling out in the floor is even more fun at Chuck E. Cheese!

A power nap was long overdue (hence the laying in the floor picture - i.e. showing her temper)....

After a quick rest, it was off to the church to stay in the nursery while I taught two dancing classes. On the way inside I snapped a few pictures of Cate in her sweet little birthday dress. Note to self: giving your one-year-old your jewelry to keep her still enough for pictures is not, I repeat not, a good idea because when she's so sick of pictures and starts throwing a fit and you forget to pick your bracelets up from the grass where she's thrown them down, they may or may not be there 3 hours later when you remember where you left them.

She never acknowledged me and the camera until she gave me this "alright lady, enough is enough" face....

Love you and your sassy little self whether you smile for the camera or not, Bugaboo! :)

It was a fabulous day, and the best part is that the fun isn't over yet! We've still got a big birthday party to look forward to on Saturday! {Have I mentioned that I love birthdays? There's not much more in the world I enjoy than celebrating someone super special!}


  1. Happy Birthday Cate! Can't wait to see you girls next weekend!

  2. awwww, she's so cute. I know she had a special day!

  3. I love birthdays, too! Did you find your bracelets when you went back for them?!

  4. Happy Birthday, Cate! It's hard to believe she's already 1! :) I ran into your mom at BK in Andy the day after Cate's b'day, and she was saying how excited she was about the party! Can't wait to see pictures!
