Monday, September 1, 2008

True Love

After Saturday's trip to Auburn, I have a much deeper love and appreciation for two things in my husband and Auburn. For this to have any relevance I must tell you that J is a die-hard Alabama fan. So the fact that for my birthday he surprised me with tickets to opening day at Jordan Hare Stadium was nothing but pure bliss. Never once in our marriage have I thought about going with him to an Alabama game even though he's asked me to go with him many times. Obviously I'm not nearly as nice as he is. Or as thoughtful. Because I can honestly say that the thought of giving him a trip to the place he loves to watch his team play has never entered my mind. I'm going to have to really step up my game after this weekend! Not only did he take me to Auburn, but he went with a smile on his face and was the best sport about it. He wore his navy Lacoste to fit in with the crowd (his own idea...I didn't have to ask him to do it). I drug him all over campus and he was fine with it. He happily accompanied me to Tiger Walk. He didn't complain a single second when I had him in the stadium an hour and a half early so I could take it all our seats that were in practically the only place the sun was shining down on the stadium. We were both melting in the 95 degree heat, but I had chills. Auburn's got a great show. Everything leading up to kick-off is phenomenal....the band marching around the field, the pre-game "Are You Ready For This?" video (I was in tears), the Eagle, the video before kick-off , and all the other pre-game festivities. And after each one you think it can't get any better. And then the Tigers take the field and you nearly fall off the bleachers because it's almost humanly impossible to jump up and down, scream, sing the fight song, shake the daylights out of your shaker, etc. in the 1 ft. by 1 ft. space you've paid to stand in. Oh, and then there's the football. Insane!!! I'm telling you, there's just no greater place on earth...period. It's been several years since I've been back, but I swear every time I go I leave with a deeper love for that place. It's in my blood and I'll love it 'til the day I die. The only thing that could be better than this past weekend is the anticipation of my children growing up experiencing it....

The band marching around the field while during warm-ups....

The Eagle...he flew from right above our seats!

The band's pre-game show...incredible!!

Tommy and the Tigers taking the field...


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