Friday, September 19, 2008

We Love the Park!

I think it's seriously our favorite place in all of Decatur! We went late afternoon yesterday and Cate enjoyed the park from a different view...instead of being on all fours like usual, she had fun standing on her own two legs!! Yay Bug! Night before last she took her first steps. Want to take a wild guess at what she was trying to get to while taking those sweet little baby steps? My Diet Coke! The girl's an addict at age 1! Here are some of the fun things we did yesterday...

We did a few (hundred) cartwheels...

Watched Cate practice her new favorite thing (excuse the dress hiked up in the back)...

Climbed the rock wall....

Taught Cate "no fear" McClendon that climbing down the rock wall isn't really a good idea....

Crawled through the tunnel a million and one times...

Met a new friend....

Watched Towns and her new friend in awe....

Did some riding around on the sidewalk....

Climbed the rock pillars and discovered that a stick makes a great magic wand....

And a fantastic microphone as well....

Cate did a little climbing of her own...right up into the seat of her car....

When climbing in the car was old news, she moved onto the rocks too....

We're so thankful for this great (almost) fall weather!


  1. I just got caught up on the park, Anna Kate's precious new baby, your surgery, and the fabulous birthday party! LOVED IT ALL!

  2. We love the park as well! Ours is not quite as nice but we enjoy the swings and the slides. And we LOVE this weather!!! Anything outside right now is wonderful!!!!!!

  3. yay Cate so proud of you! and what a fun girls day...this weather is spoiling us all!
