Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Towns has really been determined to learn how to write lately. She's been able to write her name for a while, but now she wants to venture a little further into the alphabet. I think it started the last time Bethany was here and brought her backpack full of school books. We played "school" and that got Towns' little brain working overtime! Ever since then she's been captivated by the idea of going to school, using pencils, doing homework, etc. She longs for the the day she'll turn 5 so she can go to Kindergarten. In a perfect world, she'd be 5 already. It's all she talks about, as if being 5 holds the key to all great things in life. A few months ago we were in a fabric shop and a lady asked her how old she was. She said, "Well I'm 3, {long pause} but I feel like I'm 5." Yesterday we were playing school in her room and I'd call out letters for her to write so she could put words together. Here are a couple of things she came up with....

(My personal favorite, naturally!)

And her latest creation...a stick person with a purse!

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