Monday, February 9, 2009

Hello Sunshine!

Did you think I'd fled the country? If I did, you'd find me on a beach somewhere in Mexico. But I'm not...I'm still here. I've been up to my eyeballs in these...

No complaints though...I'm loving every minute of it!
And I'm also loving every minute of time spent with these chicks...

I've been reminded a lot lately that tomorrow is not makes me determined to never, ever take a single minute spent with those three in the picture above for granted. They have the uncanny ability to make me realize what's important in life, and I want to soak it all up as much as I can. I've got a hundred different jobs to do on any given day, but when it's all said and done, as long as they know how much I love them I think I've really done the job that's been so graciously given to me...

Hope it's as warm where you are as it is here...we've had almost a full week of sunshine and couldn't be happier! We were beginning to think the sun had forgotten about Decatur! :)


  1. Bring yourself and those girls home to see us soon!! Did Towns actually make it on top of bench like Bethany? She is such a dare devil!

  2. You and Jonathan are SO blessed with 3 beautiful girls!!

  3. Hey T! Your family is so beautiful and sweet! I always love learning what y'all have been up to!

    Got a question for ya - Do you sell the rompers for little babies (like the one John Martin has) or was that a special deal?? Thanks!!

  4. Hey Al! Darby got JM's rompers from and I think she's been pleased with them. She just bought them online and had them shipped to me. Let me know if you want to do that!
