Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Our Easter was really great this year - all five of us together on Easter morning was pretty special. I think I say this every year, but Easter has to be my favorite of all the holidays. I believe it tops Christmas, which if you know me you know that's huge! The Easter story gets me every time I think about it. Of course Christmas is amazing since we're celebrating the birth of our Savior. But I'm pretty sure the resurrection of our Savior has got to be the most unbelievable reason to celebrate! At our house, we're well aware of Easter baskets being a little bonus and not the real focus of the day. But I must admit that the girls were rather anxious on Easter morning!

Cate found the Nerds in her basket and decided she better run for cover...we found her under the kitchen counter. She really thought she was fully hidden and we couldn't do a thing about her turning the Nerds bottom up! We just let her have at 'em!

After church, we headed to Childersburg to celebrate Easter with my dad's side of the family. We had neighborhood-wide Easter egg hunts at my grandmother's house when my cousins and I were little, so it was so much fun to have a yard full of kids now that we've all got our own families! The girls found ways to entertain themselves on the way...

Cate's a true southern girl - she loves sweet tea...

B was sweet to help the girls hunt eggs...

But all Cate wanted was Muffin...and all Muffin wanted was to get away!!

In other news, I'd like to officially say farewell to my cottontail friend whom I've seen approximately 147 times (or more) in the last couple of months. We've spent countless hours together. I think I saw more of him/her than I did my family! I'm kidding. Kind of...

I'm almost unable to contain myself...J & I are headed to the beach for a long weekend!

The word 'excited' is the understatement of the year!!!


  1. LOVE that pic of you and J! Y'all have fun at the beach!Are the kiddos going, or just the two of you?!?!? You'll be pregnant when you get back. HA! JK ;)

  2. I LOVE this post! What fun! Makes me excited that my little peanut is a girl. I love your house... I hope you never move because I would sure miss seeing it in the background of your pictures. :)
    Have fun at the beach and enjoy your break!!!!

  3. Oh... loved this post. So... why didn't you tell us about your fabulous wreath? Please! And you look gorgeous as ever. YOu should wear blue everyday. And... so jealous about your beach trip! Have so much fun... y'all deserve it! Three kids is a LOT of work! :)

  4. D-
    Wreath is from TJ Maxx and the ribbon is from Michael's...you could do it and make it look a thousand times better! I'm clueless when it comes to bow making!! Will you come do it for me?! Oh, how I wish we lived closer!!!

  5. Ditto what Darby said...FABULOUS wreath! Loved seeing pictures of all five McClendons:) Enjoy your long weekend at the beach!!!

  6. Love the pictures, what a beautiful family! Where are you heading to the beach we are in OB! With all the WSP followers!!!

  7. Enjoy your beach weekend!!! And Tara V's comment cracked me up!
