Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I don't video the girls nearly as much as I should, but last night I had the camera in hand to capture our Olympic hopefuls. We laugh a lot around here due to the fact that I live with bunch of clowns. It's really no exaggeration when I tell you that we have fun no matter what we're doing. We just can't help it! Bethany's been working so very hard on perfecting her back handspring on her own without anyone spotting her, so for the past couple of nights we've taken the mattress off of her bed for her to practice on. If there's a noise control police, I'm shocked that they weren't called to our house by our neighbors because we get ridiculously loud and excited when we're all together. And the first time B did that back handspring by herself was no different! It was amazing! The two little ones don't waste much time figuring out how to copy everything B does, and I happened to catch a little of it on video. I'm not kidding when I tell you that this is loud and crazy, so be prepared!
This is Cate practicing her 'back fip' over and over and over again...

Towns started taking gymnastics a month or so ago, and since she's also in ballet and tap I hesitated to let her take on something else. But the girl does handstands, cartwheels, round offs, back bends (she stands up and goes into it a back bend - B taught her!), and other things I couldn't do until I was probably twice her age. Jonathan was all for her doing gymnastics, so we signed her up. Why not let her do it if that's what she loves? She started out going one day a week and begged to go every single day, so now she's going twice a week and loves every minute of it. I thoroughly enjoy taking her because it's liking walking into the Olympics! She does bars, balance beam or 'bean' as she calls it, trampoline, and other things I wouldn't begin to know the name of. I need to brush up on my gymnastics vocabulary if we're going to be this serious about it! Please excuse the panties showing from underneath her leotard...in one video B was whispering to her to fix it, but she didn't catch on!

Here's one more...

The funny part of that video is that she's screaming HELP right before the video goes off because she can't get out of her back bend...you can't hear it for some reason, but it was hysterical!
And for the record, I have a video of B doing her back handspring but she's threatened me not to show it to the world!

We get to take the fun to the next level tomorrow...it's Cate's birthday!


  1. Every time I see Towns in action it amazes me! Bethany thinks we'll be seeing her in the Olympics one day! Can't wait to see what Cate's birthday celebration will bring! With y'all and all your celebrations, there's no telling! HA! Fun, fun!

  2. Wow...your girls are great little gymnasts! I feel certain having a great role model like B (and their Mama) definitely helps!! Nice job girls.

  3. I so needed this at 7:00 AM on this Thursday morning! Cate has me cracked up!
