Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Valentines

Sunday was a sweet Valentine's Day. Cold, but sweet! I didn't feel right making a big deal out of it before we went to church Sunday morning. I was really excited that Valentine's fell on a Sunday this year...getting to jump start the morning at church doesn't get any better than that! And afterwards, upon mention of Valentines treats waiting at home, the girls were full speed ahead to the car! :)

But not before they stopped for a picture with their favorite fellow...

The look on J's face tells you how cold it was! HA!
They had this waiting on them when we got home...

Cate couldn't figure out her Pez (which totally took me back!!)...

The girls finally decorated their Valentine tree...

And Cate sent Towns into hysterics when she started un-decorating it...

But it didn't take long for them to be all smiles again...

Let's rewind. Friday we missed the big blizzard that the rest of Alabama got. So Saturday after I dropped B off with her mom I took the girls to Chick Fil A on the way back home because I spotted snow out in front of the parking lot...

It's always fun and games 'til somebody gets hurt. And that would be Towns. Actually, all that was hurt was her feelings when she slid down this hill and her leggings got soaked...

Cate did her best to console her while I took pictures and laughed instead of doing my share of consoling...

She somewhat gave me a smile when I told her that we'd run into Target next door and get her some new pants to put on since hers were wet. It's amazing what a change will come over our children when you mention Target!

Towns was freezing and decided to wait in the car while Cate built a tiny little snowman...

And since that was the extent of seeing any pretty white stuff, we had lots of indoor entertaining to do all weekend long. By Saturday night they were stir crazy. J had the bright idea of letting them wrap my V Day gift and giving it to me early just to give them something to do. I wish I had a picture of it before I opened it. It was in a big blue Happy Birthday gift bag. And they each held a handle of the bag and brought it to me in the kitchen singing "happy birthday to Mommy" about ten times over. Cate was only dressed from the waist up as you can tell, which made the whole thing even funnier...

After that, we hit the local motocross race. My husband was in heaven, and is plotting his return into the moto-x arena. As if my crew didn't give me near heart attacks on a daily basis! He's already talked to our insurance agent about long term disability insurance, which doesn't make me rest easy in the least!! Our insurance guy is also a good friend, so he knew that he needed to get me on the phone to make sure I knew what was going on before he proceeded! :)
This was our Saturday night in a nut shell...

Monday we got a little snow of our own. Not much, but enough to give everything a little dusting. Including my car (with the doors that were frozen shut and the windshield wipers that wouldn't budge because they were frozen, too!)...

It's beautiful and all, but I'm in desperate need of warm weather!
Oh well, we'll keep putting on our fancy shoes and making the most of it...

And here's to hoping Spring is right around the corner!!!!!


  1. I'm with you on hoping Spring comes soon. I don't just wish it were here, I LONG for it! :) The look on Cate's face as she's consoling Wownsy is too precious!

  2. Cate and Towns are too funny. You girls playing in the snow in front of Chic-fil-A is cracking me up! Cate, I need borrow those gold shoes!!

  3. I'm crying with Towns! If my leggings were that stinking cute and I had to change, I'd be a sad little girl too!
