Monday, May 17, 2010

Just Another Day at the Park

It started out fairly routine...

And then before I knew it...

This might be an appropriate (if anything about this is appropriate) time to tell you that we were at the playground at the neighborhood Presbyterian church. And the reason behind her need for such freedom? She said her belly was full. Mercy!

Everyone in the neighborhood who comes home around 5 o'clock got an eye full (talk about onlooker's delays)! It's almost summer. And in my book that means anything goes...

Towns conquered the big, bad monkey bars while we were there. She's an old pro at the monkey bars, but these were a first. They're super tall and it's a long way from one end to the other.
Today she heard what I heard umpteen times a day as a kid:
If at first you don't succeed...

Try, try again!
And she did just that.
I screamed, I did impromptu cheers, and I might or might not have done a toe touch.
And low and behold - she got all the way across!
Seems like a small task, but to this chick it was a major feat!
She was pretty worn out, so I stuck the front wheel of her bike in the bottom of the stroller and towed her and her exhibitionist sister (she did clothe herself before we left, thank goodness) all the way home...

If you're ever in need of action or just a good laugh, give us a call.
We won't disappoint!


  1. Must be the style outfit b/c everytime I put one on Mallary She will take it off no matter where we are! ha ha! I totally love that you let her stay that way at the park too : )

  2. You girls are something else and I love it!! Cate Bug you crack me up!

  3. Oh that Cate Bug! :) The full-belly thing is hilarious - sounds like something Reid would come up with. Can't wait to see y'all today.
