Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Another Cheerleader?!

Heaven help me...that makes two of our three girls!!

It looks like our baby love might be following in her big sister's footsteps. J took her to gymnastics Tuesday night while I did some work at home, and she had big news to report when she called me afterwards. Not only did she master her back handspring, but they asked her to sign up for All Star cheerleading! I've never really been a fan of the idea. They've asked her several times and we've always said no. But now there's a team for ages 4-7 and it's not nearly as hard core as the older team they'd wanted her to join before. She still has 2 extra practices a week in addition to going twice a week for her regular classes. But she's begged and begged since day 1. I hope it's not enough to burn her out on it at such a young age. We'll see! For now, she's on cloud 9 and you couldn't wipe the smile off her face if you tried!

Yesterday morning bright and early we were outside so she could show me her new trick...

She's the type that will try something a hundred times over until she gets it, and that's how she learned to do it. J said she did at least 150 of them Tuesday night at gymnastics and he had a feeling he wasn't leaving until she got it...per her request!
Way to go Townsy Wownsy!!!!

So you've heard me go on and on about how great cheer camp is here and here, but all good things must come to an end. Little Miss Big Time has had enough, or so I've heard, and is sick of hearing cheers 24/7! Ha! Just like her mom said, now that's the B we all know and love. I'm sure she's sleep deprived and exhausted, but she can see the light at the end of the tunnel...she gets to go home today! I just know it's cheer camp she's tired of and not Auburn itself...God's country, the Loveliest Village on the Plains, heaven on earth, etc. No pressure to go to college there or anything, Bebs. Ha!! Can't wait to see you Saturday!


  1. I love it! Must mean Cate will be out dancing on the kickline! I've got my gogo boots whenever she's ready for a lesson!
