Monday, June 7, 2010

Dance Recital Wrap-Up

Bethany and Towns have been busy preparing for their dance recital that was this past Saturday night. They both are involved in so many extracurriculars, and poor Cate gets taken from dancing to gymnastics to ballgames to watch her big sisters do their thing. She'll have her day, but for now it kills me to watch her little face pressed up against the glass while she's watching Towns flip her heart out at gymnastics. She never fusses or says a thing about not getting to participate. And we tell her constantly that it won't be long before she's right there with them. She only has to be 3 to start dance class, so this fall it's all her!

Last Thursday afternoon, the girls had recital pictures and I didn't have much choice but to take Cate along. She's had to go to several dance classes with me when I haven't had anyone to keep her, so she knows all the girls and looks up to them like crazy. One of my tap classes danced to "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" and did a pose similar to this when they had their picture taken...

This one was taken the day of dress rehearsal. But on picture day, Buggy was paying close attention to what was going on. And a little while after those girls had their picture made, she struck this pose and asked me to take a picture of her...

Well, that snowballed once she got the idea that people were watching her. Namely, the photographer. It took about 2 minutes flat for that little pose that I took with my camera to turn into this...

And this...

I've never in my life seen a little chick play into something like Cate did during all this picture taking. She was finally in the spotlight and it was her time to shine! :)
Those dancers are near and dear to my heart, and I love them even more for making Bug feel like such a big girl!

She's a blur in most of these because she just couldn't be still.
She was in heaven and loving every minute of it...

The recital came and went way too fast for me Saturday night (even though my stress level was taken down a notch or two once it was over). When you're the teacher, you're in the wings and not in the audience...which means I don't have the first picture of the girls on stage. When I realized it, it was too late. Their dances were over. And my heart seriously sank to my knees.
But at least I have these from backstage...

The girls were all smiles after the show with their flowers in hand...

Towns' new thing is to smile with her eyes almost closed because she says that's how Bebby's eyes are when she smiles really big!
Emma and Olivia came to watch Towns which made Blondie's night...

And the icing on the cake was the cake...literally!
She laid in the floor of the Princess Theater after it cleared out and ate at least 3 pieces...

Bebs had her share of cake, too...but not in the floor!
They did a fabulous job on stage, and they made their teacher (that would be me) just a tad bit proud! Ha!

This morning was a big one at our house...

The girls and I sported our Saddle Ridge Ranch shirts to get day one of VBS kicked off, and Bethany started cheer practice to prepare for cheer camp at AUBURN (can you tell I'm a little excited about that?!) in a few weeks. She's staying in a "real live" dorm! And she's already declared that we've got to start our Target shopping so that she has the best room ever...stocked full of food and all sorts of fabulous stuff. No twisting my arm in that department!

What summer?!
But it's all so worth it!


  1. Hey! My nieces are going to be in your dance class!! I'm so excited for them. My sister, Katie, lives in Hartselle and has signed Julia and Shelby Braddock up. I am having another baby in November. Honestly, I wanted another boy b/c I love Caleb so much, but then I read your blog and it makes me want a girl - thanks for that! Love you and miss you TT!

  2. I'm curious...would you mind sharing what your church does for family night/commencement at VBS? I am our VBS director (for the first time) and am looking for new ideas. We start Saddle Ridge Ranch next Sunday!

  3. Melissa-
    Our family night is Thursday night and our 5th and 6th graders are doing a 20 min musical to kick it off. Then, we hired the Christian Cowboy to take over from there. He's fabulous! He came to our Sunday worship service about a month ago. He's hysterical and shares the gospel at the same time. VERY entertaining! And of course we do the big worship rally with all the Saddle Ridge Ranch VBS songs in the middle of it all to show families how much fun we've had. The music is fantastic this year! Hope that helps!

  4. Our girls did so good! Wownsy looked like a natural on stage. It was fun to get to see her first recital. Hopefully some of the pics me and B took turned out.

    Love the pic of Wownsy sprawled out on the floor eating cake. That's my girl! :)

  5. Ok.. Ill come out of the stalker closet now! I've been reading your blog for a while..went to AU too (was a KD) and I just love your blog! You are such a fun, creative mom! And I love Smitten & Co too!
