Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Girl Time!

Since we've been home all of a week or so without traveling, we were due for another road trip. We don't stay still too very long! Truthfully, we're trying to fit in as much as we can these last couple of weeks before school starts!

My cousin Mary Catherine is starting Auburn this fall and is moving into good ol' Owen Hall in the Quad next Saturday and starting Rush shortly after that. My Aunt Melissa has been telling me she thought Mary Cat was very nervous and hasn't really been herself, given what all she's about to have to tackle. Melissa said she needed someone to light a fire under her about going to Auburn and going through Rush. You don't have to ask me twice...we were in the car in 4 seconds flat! Mary C is like my sister and I can hardly contain the excitement (ok, envy) I have for her and what she's about to go through. She's got the best years of her life right before her and it was my job to let her know it!!!

Bethany was teaching Princess Ballerina Camp at church and couldn't join us, so the little ones and I packed our bags and hit the road. It's always fun for everyone at Melissa and Mary Cat's. The girls get to do a lot of this...

And by the end of our stay, Towns was flipping off the diving board and swimming to the side without her floaties...major accomplishment!
We ate and ate some more. Shopped and shopped some more. Talked and talked a lot more.
Good times!

MC introduced us to Nancy's. It's the best place in the world for homemade Italian ice that's made fresh every day. And the mini pound cakes with icing are to die for! I think what I loved most about Nancy's was what she loved most...

Auburn AND owls!!
Every wall was covered with some sort of owl art...

Are those not precious?!
All the girlies after stuffing ourselves at Nancy's...

It was only fitting that the girls wear their owl shirts Mrs. April gave them (handiwork of Shea) to such an establishment!

The next morning we lounged around and contemplated what to do with ourselves that day...

The only practical solution? Shopping!

Towns wants those boots on her feet more than she's ever wanted anything in her life.
I'm not sure I can put into words how hard it was to pry her away from them...

If you feel inclined to spend $50 on them at the Gap, go right ahead. She would be much obliged!
It's hard for me to say no though.
Here's why...

Could you tell them no?!
Therein lies the problem. Ha!

We did all the damage we could do before making a beeline for my favorite spot circa my days at Auburn...

They have one in Montgomery which totally and completely made my day!
After lunch, Mary Cat's little sister Gracie came over to swim...

She's the sweetest little thing and my girls had a blast with her! They especially loved her for sharing her 5 trillion Silly Bandz with them.
Sweet Aunt Melissa made them a tent, popped popcorn, and let them watch Charlotte's Web while Mary Cat and I had some alone time.

We had dinner and shopped some more...perfection!

It was a relaxing few days complete with a fashion show of MC's Rush outfits for every day. I even gave her a run down of Chi O Rush which is probably against the rules. It felt good to sing "we are the Chi O girls be one of us, we like to laugh and sing this is our bus" again from Camp Chi O just to get her ready for some crazy fun! In my book, it doesn't get much better than that.
When we got home it was business as usual...

Ahhh, sisters...and sweet ones at that!
The girls were just as excited to see their Bebby as she was to see them. And I love the fact that she was standing outside on the sidewalk waiting for us to pull up. Love you, Peachy! :)

One more thing I must tell you before I sign off to enjoy our kid-free weekend:
Usually, I don't mix business with pleasure...
but just this one time won't hurt, right?
Go visit the coolest chicks I've met in a long time and enter to win a free Smitten & Co. tee!
If you're in the market for a fabulous party, they're your girls. We're already cooking up something fun for my little Buggy's 3rd birthday!

Click their logo to be directed to their website. You won't be disappointed!

Happy weekend, friends!


  1. I haven't forgotten that I am going to do something cutsie for those cutie pies for the fall as a thank you for my cuties!!! Looks like yall had a blast!! :)

  2. What a fun trip!! Hope you've enjoyed your weekend free of kiddos! :)
