Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Fastival 2010

Last Friday morning I got to do something that this time last year I never thought I'd get to do...attend another fall festival at church with Towns. When I did this post last year, I was so sentimental about it being the last one she'd get to be a part of. I love how our plans aren't always God's plans. I never would have guessed she'd be in kindergarten at our church. I just knew we'd be with all of our friends at Walter Jackson or Eastwood. We sure do miss seeing our friends every day, but know that we're right where we were meant to be.
The kindergartners didn't dress up this year. Towns attributed that to them being "so old" and I couldn't help but tell her she was most certainly right about that. Cate, on the other hand, got to dress up and picked it all out herself. She likes to believe that The Wizard of Oz (or Wib Oz as she calls it) is her favorite movie. Truth be told, she can't make it through the opening credits. She'll tell us that she's not scared, but that she's just not in the mood to watch it right then. Love it or hate it, she knew without a doubt she wanted to be "Dorfy" for Halloween...

When she saw the costume at Target, I thought she was going to hyperventilate. I told her that's what we'd get, but that I'd have to do some alterations. It had puffy white sleeves that were really shiny and a placket that was crooked that had to go. Next year if I have to make amendments to a costume, I'll do it when she's in bed asleep. When she saw me taking the scissors to it she nearly lost it. Lost it. I assured her I knew what I was doing (while I was praying I wasn't unintentionally lying to her) and after a few minutes she convinced herself it would be ok. God love her!
When it was time for her class to hit the fall festival, she went straight for the face paint...

She and her friends dug around in the hay to find tons of candy for a little while, and then it was time for a group shot...

That's it - just the three of them!
We played hopscotch...

And this had to be the favorite, hands down...

Dare devil...

And the face plant. She's a tough cookie, though...

A quick picture with my baby, and then the fun was over just like that. Taking her back to her class to stay for the rest of the morning wasn't easy (for me or her)!

But it was time for the kindergarten classes to have a go at it!
I'll tell you one thing. I've never seen kids scramble for candy faster than this bunch...

And when they hit the slide, they hit it fast and hard. They'd been confined to the indoors all morning and you could tell. They were w-i-l-d!
Here Towns is surveying it to see how she wants to go down...

The first time she went backwards...

Then she went like this...

Then head first...

I couldn't tell quite what she was going for here...

Either way, she was having fun and that's all that counts!

Getting a class picture was out of the question because they were all moving so fast.
But Conner will always stop long enough to flatter me with one...

This is sure to be our last picture together at Church Street Academy's fall festival...and this I know is true since kindergarten is as high as she can go!

We've got some fun things up our sleeve for this weekend. We'll kick it off this afternoon with a Halloween themed pep rally at DHS, painting pumpkins, baking Halloween sweets, trick-or-treating, and who knows what else we'll get into!
Happy Friday!


  1. totally makes me think of the halloween carnival in Andalusia as kids. Especially that hay... MAN what would I give to go back!

  2. I love a good halloween carnvial!! fun, fun!! :)
