Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Should Have Known...

Remember when we made such a huge deal over Cate being done with pacis? That all went out the window when she found one that was stashed away in her room. That was also right about the time we went to Disney, and it was such a tiring trip that it was much easier (on our ears) to let her have it than not. She's been hot and heavy with it ever since. Maybe even more so than before when she got rid of it the first time. She's already bought shoes with her pacis, so this time around we have to up our creativity. Enter the Paci Fairy. We've all heard of it before. The Paci Fairy brings fabulous surprises to make it all worth while. We've casually mentioned it to Cate here and there, and she's become a master at changing the subject. So last night I was lying in bed with her before she went to sleep and it seemed like as good a time as any to approach it again. I explained that we could gather all her pacifiers up, tie them up in a pretty package, and leave them on the front door step for the Paci Fairy. I told her that she'd come that night and take the pacis, but leave her a super fantastic treat in their place. My next question was this:
"Cate, what would you like the Paci Fairy to leave you as a nice surprise?"
Cate's reply?

Gotcha, Mommy!
Why didn't I see that one coming?


  1. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing out loud here. That's hilarious! And SO Juvy! Love it.

  2. Love it!!! And remember...that paci doesn't bother anyone but Mama!! She's a doll

  3. SO FUNNY!!! That picture is hilarious!!!
