Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pizza, Popcorn, Football - Oh My!

This is bound to be as random as it is long. Fair warning. Let's start with weekend talk. I have one word. Heaven. J and I had the most laid back weekend we've had in a while, and it was even more enjoyable knowing that all the girls were well taken care of. We did a little of what we had to do, a lot of what we really didn't have to do, and by Saturday night we'd spent countless hours on the couch watching our favorite football teams. Too bad his came out with a loss, and mine pulled out another win. And this ultra fat free homemade meal to go along with watching that win made it that much sweeter...

We've gotten to where we make these all the time and skip delivery!
I'd picked up a few fun treats that were waiting on the princesses Sunday when they returned from their little vacation. Namely really fun popcorn and Spookley the Square Pumpkin on DVD. A good friend gave Cate the book when she was little and it's always been her favorite. Towns has been begging for us to find the movie ever since. So when I spotted it at Target over the weekend on a random shelf where someone had obviously thrown it to the side, I knew it was meant to be. Needless to say, Sunday night was movie night!
We made an event out of popping the cool popcorn, and this only halfway depicts the excitement when it started to do its thing on the stove...

Dear Santa, all we want for Christmas is Jiffy Pop.
I suppose it is pretty neat when it does this and then sort of explodes...

Happy girls...

The movie was a hit and we all fell asleep feeling like we needed to run five or six miles after all the junk food we consumed!
Monday morning we were up and at 'em early. We had a VIP to pick up by the name of Bethany. This would have gone off without a hitch had Cate wanted to go home with her own mother instead of B's...

See those two?
They're a force to be reckoned with individually, but put them together and you better watch it. Two peas in a pod. Partners in crime. However you want to put it, it's all the same! :)
Seriously though, they're both the babies of the bunch and it's just hard not to let them work you over because of how blasted funny and cute they are. The promise of seeing the Nortons Friday at the homecoming parade was the only way I got her out of their car and into ours. She would have gone with them in a heartbeat and never looked back.
At least we had something fun to turn her attention to that night to pacify her...

Bebby's very last 9th grade football game!
Cate thinks B's great, but put her in a D High cheerleader uniform and her cool points go through the roof...

She tried anything she could think of to get B's attention...

But most of the time she just sat and watched in amazement...

You think she's just a little bit proud to be B's sister?!
Bethany cheered her heart out, did some pretty fabulous stunts, and made me a little bit (ok, a lot) proud too. She's a fantastic cheerleader, but an even better sister. She gave Buggy as much attention as she possibly could while cheering. Most teenagers act like they don't know their family out in public (and we may be there eventually), but B couldn't be sweeter about it. Towns was at gymnastics and was so incredibly upset that she missed all but the last 45 seconds of the ballgame, poor thing. The good news is that we've got DHS Homecoming this week and basketball season is just around the corner. Those high dollar mini cheerleader uniforms won't go to waste if I have anything to do with it! Ha!!

1 comment:

  1. Juvy? Turbo? Trouble? NEVER! Our kids are perfect. Ha! ;) Can't wait to go through all the pictures from yesterday. We had a blast!
