Monday, November 15, 2010

Orange, Blue, an X and a Gold Horseshoe

3:05. That's what time my eyes opened Saturday morning because I simply couldn't stand it any longer. For weeks, I'd been looking forward to November 13th because it meant a Chi O reunion on the Plains for the '98 pledge class. And finally, the day had come. Just three hours into it and I couldn't sleep another wink! Some of the girls I see on a fairly regular basis, some I don't; but one thing never changes...I love them all dearly. And thanks to those pledge tests we had to take every Sunday night during our first semester (or quarter rather), I can probably still tell you their full names, birthdays, and hometowns.

After filing a flight plan to get to Auburn as soon as possible, I met two hotties that I'd been dying to see...
Not long after that, the Deckers came strolling down the sidewalk which was was icing on the cake...
They're as good as gold, and took such good care of us while we were there. They're like family! I can't think of too many people who would let their 16 year old take their brand new Expedition to Auburn to drive her sister and friends around town for a certain birthday celebration. Some things never change...they treated us to a fun lunch and great conversation before we rushed off to the Chi O tailgate.

I couldn't help but pull my camera out of my purse as we made our way through campus...
The clock on Samford Hall was about to strike noon, and one of my favorite things about being at Auburn was hearing the fight song coming from Samford at that same time every day.

We ran into an old friend and had to stop for a photo op...
But we had even better old friends to get to, so we kept on moving.
This is the group I'm talking about...
It's not quite half of our pledge class, but I think we had a fabulous turn out!
I can't tell you how much fun it was to see those gals again. We picked up right where we left off and it was like no time had passed at all. Especially not eight years! We laughed, we ate, we talked about old times, good times, and everything in between.
The two Taras...
Erika took a break from practicing her splits to pose for a picture, God love her...Sarah, Anna Kate, Ashley, me, Darby, Tara and Erika...
Ginny and Miss Sixty...Not sure how Darby and I pulled ourselves away from translating voice mails into texts long enough for this one, but I'm glad we did...Roommate and me...
We're probably reading each others minds and laughing about what we're both thinking. Like pacifier teeth or something. Or maybe we're laughing over the picture taken of the inside of her purse. Who has that picture...Erika??

Let's be honest. Being 30 and going back to your alma mater is a little intimidating thanks to all the cute college girls in game day dresses. I mean, I was a little worried I'd stick out like a sore thumb. But after seeing the sea of boots and skinny jeans at the Chi O tailgate...
...I think I blended in well enough. For an alumni, that is. Believe it or not, we didn't send out a dress code memo, but it was definitely boots or bust! Should I tell you that my feet were killing me after walking all over campus in those boots? And I feel certain I shouldn't admit that my back still hurts from being in the car for so long on Saturday. But driving 8 hours in one day just to spend 4 hours with great friends was!!
I'm just not as young as I thought I was, and I can certainly live with that.

Towns had a cheer competition early Sunday, so there was no football game in the cards for me. I had to get on home. When our goodbyes were said and everyone else headed to Jordan Hare, I made my way to The Hill right by myself for one long look at Molly Hollifield Hall...
The old Chi O dorm still looked just as I remembered it.
Ahhh, memories!
And a trip to Auburn wouldn't be complete without seeing the McKee house...
I'll forever believe that Auburn is the best place on earth. There really is no other place like it. But it's not just the town or the campus that makes it so special. It's just as much, if not more, the friends and the memories...
I think David Housel best summed it up when he said this about Auburn...

It is a spirit. It is an attitude. It is a way of looking at life and at one another. It is, almost, a way of living. Unless you have experienced it, you will never know what it is; you will never understand it. Once you have experienced it, you will never be the same. A part of you will, forevermore, be an Auburn man or an Auburn woman.

War Eagle, my friends!


  1. I just teared up! Hate I didn't get to see you on Saturday, TT! Mom and Dad had a blast with y'all at lunch...they're still talking about "the Tara's"!! WDE!!

  2. Chill. Freaking. Bumps.!!! What a day!!! SO SO SO glad you came to play with us! WDE!!!!!!

  3. How fun! I know you had a blast!

    I'm just now getting a chance to catch up on your blog so I must comment on the prior post. Can I just say that video of my little Juvy made me want to drive to Decatur and get her. PRECIOUS! Love her! That girl has my heart.

  4. Oh my goodness... I loved everything about this post EVERYTHING! I didn't even remember taking the boot picture... so fun! And yes, ERika has the inside of AKDs purse on her iPhone. love you tons and loved seeing you!!! WDE!!!!

  5. Great post and pictures! Looks like everyone had a great time! So sad that I missed it. I about cried when I saw the picture of the McKee House....MEMORIES!!!! Can't we just all go by there for a month or two and live the college life worries!!
    See you this weekend!

  6. So jealous of your super fun trip to AU! I wish I could've been there with y'all....good thing I'll get to see you this weekend in the 'ham:)

  7. my splits are so good, i hate that i didn't get to show them off. ;) LOVE YOU! LOVE YOU! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Oh, so much fun!! Had a blast with you hoots!! We must do this again soon, and NOT another EIGHT years from now!
