Thursday, January 13, 2011

Glory, Hallelujah!

School's back in session!!!
Don't get me wrong, we've enjoyed some major togetherness after logging three snow days. But we've taken cabin fever to a whole new level. Towns couldn't wait to get back to her class. I think Bethany was less than thrilled about it, but starting the school week on Thursday isn't half bad! The sun is shining for the first time in days, and despite the below freezing temperature the snow is slowly melting. I keep telling myself that Spring is just around the corner. It has to be. I'm fully aware that we're not quite halfway through January, but it's mind over matter. Right? Less than two months until I'm sitting on the beach with my favorite girls in the world. And that's something to smile about...


  1. Amen sister! I don't know how those northerners do it! I was on the verge of a breakdown.

  2. One day was enough for us, especially since we can't be outside long. At least you got to see all that snow, though. Looks like me and the boys are headed your way tomorrow for B's basketball game. Hope I get to see my girlies!

  3. Lucky you!! We didn't even go back...we start an hour after DCS and then had to leave at 12..not worth the effort. Alan has a guy's weekend that had been planned for months and Monday is a holiday...if you don't hear from me after Monday, well I've probably lost it ; )
