Thursday, February 3, 2011

Flying South

Today was one of those days that makes me want to fly south for the winter.
How is it possible to go from this on Sunday... snow today? Welcome to Alabama. It was snowing so hard on my way to Target this afternoon I could barely see. It's hard to believe my children barefoot in the park this time last week. And by the way, doesn't everyone move their furniture outdoors when it's above 60 degrees? Or are we the only ones? I'm pretty sure it's the latter. The girls took it upon themselves to move their table to the front porch to enjoy the nice weather Sunday afternoon. They got their school on while J did a little yard work. Can't say that I blame them for coming up with that idea.

I've learned something about Towns lately. The girl's always looking to make a dime. Every passing day she's coming up with an idea of something to make and sell. Monday after school she set up shop to sell books...
I tried to explain that Saturdays are better for lemonade stand type selling, but she wasn't hearing it!
She thought her sign needed a little something. That's when she asked could we get a "big light-up sign like Sonic has" - um, no. Nice try, though! She's got this idea that she wants to make ribbon bracelets to sell. She relentlessly begged me to take her to her favorite place on Earth (Hobby Lobby) for supplies. She agreed to use some money from her piggy bank, and off we went. I might be doing some relentless begging myself when I start asking you to purchase one. My heart can't take an outcome like the book sale again. Not a single sale. She was devastated, but I think bracelets might be more her speed!

Tuesday Towns was at dancing, Bethany was asleep (she's been sick all week, bless her), Cate was longing for a project and I had tons of work to do. I don't know why I do things like this - I know I'm just asking for it...
Because it always turns into this...
Then this...
And then this...
Right at 4:30. Which wouldn't be a problem if I weren't trying to beat the clock to get to the post office by 5:00 in the pouring rain. It's a good thing she's cute and funny. And that she says, "I'm so sorry Mommy and ac-shilly {actually} I love you so bad." I like to believe that means she loves me a lot and not the other way around.

Towns has been consumed by the idea of homework lately. She says she's most excited about 1st grade because of that and eating in the cafeteria. I tell her that I hope she keeps up that positive attitude about homework, and I surely don't tell her that it's not all its cracked up to be. Cafeteria included. I made her flashcards for math and reading that she loves to go through. I'm determined to get her to know that 4+2 is 6 the second she looks at it without having to count on her fingers. Counting fingers drives me crazy. I'm talking insanely crazy. This morning before J left for work he was going through them with her. He kept getting faster and faster and she would get so tickled (and frustrated)...
I nearly fell out when he said, "you've got to know how to perform under pressure." Here's hoping his managerial pep talks work just as well with kindergarten math!

It's almost the weekend again...thank goodness! Flying south for the winter may not be a possibility for us, but we are heading south to Dothan to hang with my dad for Home Run Derby weekend. A slew of boys in uniform is (unfortunately for her parents) Cate's idea of a good time. Heaven help us...


  1. Tell Wownsy I'll be the first in line for a bracelet. I've already told her I want one. :)

    Oh that Juvy, "... ac-shilly I love you so bad." Hahahahaha She is hilarious. I can just hear her saying it. And you can't one-up her. She instantly comes back with something. She's so witty to be so young. Kinda scary ac-shilly. ;)

  2. Ahhh, Home Run Derby! I may wear my button all weekend in honor! Yes, I still have it :) Have fun!

  3. "Perform under pressure!" Now that makes me laugh! You tell her, J!

  4. I am ready to fly south, too! So over winter! Have a fun weekend!! :)

  5. I don't know how I came by your blog (maybe through your etsy site ??), but you girls are precious. I have 2 girls myself (3 & 7.5) 3 year old likes to paint & color herself too and tells me too "I love you so bad!" - so with that I had to comment...couldn't believe it when I read it - I LOVE it! And if Towns needs to sell some bracelets, we will take some over here in South Carolina!

  6. Such sweet girls! I love how creative they are! And how willing you are:) I need to learn how to 'lighten up' just a tad bit! Love reading your blog! And winter...I'm sooooooooooo over it! Spring---PUH-LEASE hurry up:)))!
