Thursday, February 17, 2011

Formals and Races

Last weekend was a full one. Full of firsts and full of fun. You can opt out of reading this one because it might get a little lengthy...

Bethany's first JUG winter formal was Saturday night, accompanied by the first time she's had to ask a boy to be her date. Talk about two biggies rolled into one! Mercy. She was so excited about the big day. She loves the getting ready process and wanted to make it last as long as possible. She was in the best mood when she woke up Saturday morning because she had a day packed full of it! After she helped get things ready at the Country Club that morning, we went to get her hair done. It started out great and ended in tears. We had almost decided to wash it and start all over, but I begged her to let me give it a last ditch effort. It's a good thing the original 'do didn't work out because she would have matched every other girl at the formal. Shortly after noon, she was fully dressed with her make up done. And believe me when I tell you she looked absolutely gorgeous. Just take a look...
She didn't know I took this one of her walking down the front steps, but I love it...
Towns got busy coloring her a picture of the two of them. She even drew B a side ponytail. It looked a bit Pippy Longstocking-ish, but it's the thought that counts. I think she loves her Bebby just a smidge...
She was ready so early that all there was to do was sit. And wait. We're not very good at either. Thankfully B's mom and her two aunts came not too long after!

Her date finally arrived and we gave them a round of cameras in their faces. Like April said, the fella needs to watch his hands...
But they do look cute together!
This one still makes me laugh...
Not the picture itself because it's a great one, but the fact that Sam relied on crutches to walk and after that picture B walked off. The boy was stuck there without being able to move on his own. She finally figured out what he was waiting on and kindly handed him the crutches. We all reminded her to make sure she took care of him and his crutches the rest of the night. :)

After the girls and their dates had a fancy dinner, we all met them at the Club for lead out. We spotted B as soon as we walked in and she was kind enough to humor me with more pictures...
Here's a picture of B's date sign...
Friday night we went on a mission to try to find supplies to make it with...we do love an artsy project. I still can't quite get used to seeing her name, a boy's name, and the word "and" joining the two. Wow.

I took a video of lead out while April snapped pictures. Between the two of us, we had it covered. Sam didn't use his crutches for lead out, and you can tell by the crowd that everyone got a kick out of him hobbling down the aisle with Bethany on his arm. It was too cute...

Before we left them to have their fun, the 9th grade JUG girls posed for a group shot...
She looked fabulous and had a great time...mission accomplished!

Sunday morning we were up by 4:30 getting ready to head to Maplesville for J's first motocross race (since his beloved injury). Can you say mixed emotions?! I can equate his excitement to what I feel like when I enter Auburn's city limits on game day. It was race day and he was like a kid at Christmas. I love that aspect of it for him, but there's also the part of me that gets physically sick at the thought of him getting hurt again. Possibly even worse than the last time. I speak for the four girls in his life when I say that we sort of like him in one piece!

Grandmommy and Pop met us there. They know our girls so well that they came armed with bubbles, Play Doh, and their four-wheeler...
The children probably could have gone back to bed by 10 a.m., but when Grandmommy and Pop are around they don't want to miss a single minute of it...
When it was time for J to get on his motorcycle for his race, I didn't know if I wanted to watch or not. But I did...
And I'm glad I did because I got him crossing the finish line in 1st place on video...

I'll admit that it was pretty neat to see his friends from Selma and some of their parents standing at the fence cheering him on. I've been to watch J and the boys ride for fun, but it's the first time I've been around their wives and children for such an event. It was definitely an all day affair, and one in which I could get used to!
When he got back to where we were, he and his friend Eric had to recap the whole thing...
His fan club was lined up waiting to shower him with congratulations...
If he would have been still long enough, she would have gone right to sleep on his sweaty, muddy shoulder! It was a great day all the way around, and my most favorite part of it was not having to make a pit stop by the ER. Next week is T week at school, and Towns has already proclaimed that she's taking his trophy for show and tell. God love her...


  1. OOC Bethany looked like a celeb! She must have had one heck of a stylist :) Reading this post so reminds me of you coming to A'ville to help VLD get ready for her sr. prom! Tell Bethany she is so lucky to have a live-in pro!

  2. I have been waiting for this post. I saw bethany's picture on Brandi hatfield's blog from formal and relived JUG through her by looking at all the pictures! She looked WONDERFUL!! Hope she had a great time!! I might need to tag along for summer formal lead out!!

  3. Every time I think of the whole hair debacle it makes me laugh. Not because she was upset of course but because she kept saying over and over, "The woman gave me a butt part. A butt part, mom. Who goes in with a normal part and comes out with a butt part." Cracks me up. Obviously she wasn't laughing then but it's funny now. :)

  4. OMG! I think Bethany could be a model! LOVED her hair-do! And like AK said, Bethany is sooo lucky to have a live-in pro like you..I remember you coming to good ole' A'ville for my sr. prom like it was yesterday!

  5. OMG! Bethany you looked AMAZING! I LOVED the hair too! TT, will you come to Atlanta and help me get all dolled up for.....? Oh wait, I have nothing to go to. No fun! Oh well, Bebs you rock!

  6. H.O.T. HOT! What else is there to say!?!?! Bethany is turning heads already I know it! Look out! TT, great job, I just know you had so much fun, and maybe earned a few grey hairs on this, but you definitely earned a gold star! I don't know how you do it all??....AND manage to bring J home with no broken bones! WOW! hehe :)

  7. HOW MUCH FUN! AK's right, Bethany looked like she walked straight off the pages of US Magazine! I can only imagine the fun y'all had shopping for the dress and putting her 'look' together the day of the formal...I'm kinda sad I wasn't there to join in on the fun;) Oh high school....such fun memories!

  8. TT,
    Wow!! Bethany is so beautiful! I will say that Bethany is such a great example for the girls. I thought Bethany's hair was gorgeous. Very Hollywood at the Oscars. So lucky for her you are there to glam it up! Please tell Bethany that she looked fabulous! You guys must be so very proud of her! Congrats to J for first place.
