Friday, June 24, 2011

Camped Out

I'm not talking about a tent in the woods, but rather the girlified camps our church's School of Fine Arts puts on every summer.  Today Towns finished up the All Things Bright and Beautiful art camp and Cate completed her first Princess Ballerina Camp.  Next week starts another dance camp that I'll teach and Bebby heads to God's country (the loveliest village on the Plains) for cheer camp.  That makes four camps in two weeks... we'll officially be as camped out as we can possibly be.  I intentionally planned all this (minus cheer camp, of course) during the month of June so that come the end of the next we're foot loose and fancy free for the rest of the summer.  We will have fulfilled all of our commitments...that feels g-o-o-d!

This is Towns' third and final summer to be able to be in Mrs. Kelly's art camp.  She's phenomenal with the kids, and Towns was so upset when she learned that this would be her last time with her.  Since I was downstairs in the dance studio teaching Princess Ballerina Camp while Towns was in art, I didn't get to see any of the treasures she'd been working on.  She's so independent and insisted on walking herself upstairs to class which is when I'd sneak a peak under normal circumstances.  She wanted it all to be a surprise, though.  Thankfully, J worked his schedule around our big morning of art shows and dancing finales and got to be at all of it.  With camera in hand he took over my job as photographer since he was the only one who got to go to Towns' art show...

I was so impressed when he handed my camera back to me and I saw the pictures he'd taken.  It's the one and only time I've ever missed going to any of Blondie's big events, so I was seriously trying to hold back the tears as I was dancing around in my pink sparkly outfit with fifteen 3 year olds.  He must have sensed that I really wished I could have been there and did a fabulous job of capturing it on camera.  This picture was Towns' favorite to paint...

Hers is the first one on the left on the bottom row.
She could hardly contain herself when we got home and she pulled this out of her bag...

My girl knows how I love an owl.  Especially one with huge bottle caps for eyes!  She's been telling me all week that she had a super fun surprise for me, and, oh, was she right.  I love it!!  J got an up close shot of it...

  When the show was over and the art had been gathered, it was time for Cate's Princess Ballerina Camp finale.  That's always the highlight of the week.  In my five years of teaching PBC, I think this might be my biggest group (and most famous - they made the Decatur Daily!)...

That's a lot of energy, a lot of silliness, a lot of giggles, and a lot of hugs in those two rows of sweetness.  I could have eaten them all up!  And I pretty much did just that...
I had several friends' children this week, which was a treat.  JM and Mary, I very much enjoyed your girlies!  And this little love muffin came all the way from Knoxville for Princess Ballerina Camp...

That's Emma.  I fell head over heels in love with her.  It could possibly be because she'd throw her arms around me ten times a day and tell me that she loved me.  What an angel!  Could you resist that?!  I think not.  Today she came up to me with tears in her eyes and said, "will I ever get to see you again?" and I immediately dropped to my knees and told her we must have a picture together.  That's why I love my job!!

We started the program out with the little ones lined up to perform a few dances.  You would know the teacher's kid is the one who creates the distraction.  Cate laughed her way through the entire thing and took Ella (in yellow) right along with her...

Go ahead and click on the picture to really get the full effect.  That's all while everyone else did just what they'd been taught throughout the week.  I was standing in the wings giving her faces to try to get her to straighten no avail.  It actually took all I could do not to laugh with her, but that probably wouldn't be very appropriate.  Maybe she really is a clown, but I like to think it was just nerves. :)
She did great with everything else.  They all loved getting to dance on stage with scarves... 

When it was over, I presented the little princesses with a certificate and they showed the crowd their perfectly practiced curtsy.  Cate always got the giggles when we practiced it, and today was no different...

 I'm so thankful for a husband who took 237 pictures since I wasn't able to...

Towns was so excited that Madelyn was there to watch her sister Ella because that meant the two of them got to get reacquainted. Since it's been a whole two days since they've seen each other and all... 

Miss Elle also got a little Townsy love...

I don't know what I would have done without your help this week, Elle.  Thank you!!

After a few more pictures outside, we called it a morning...

This is what you get when you ask Buggy to take a picture...

Oh well.  You win some, you lose some.  And with that...
Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pics! even the chopped off one. need your address, I found you a happy the other day! :) email me.
