Monday, June 20, 2011

A Daddy Kind of Weekend

This past weekend was double the fun.  Not only was it Father's Day, but Saturday was J's birthday.  I can't think of a better reason to celebrate, naturally!  He's not the easiest person to buy for, mind you.  When he gets something in his mind that he wants, he can't wait a second longer to get it.  He's such a kid at heart like that.  I was at a loss last week and was two minutes away from booking a weekend at the Shoals Marriott when Bethany had a great idea.  To Academy we went to load up on all of his favorite things.  Namely, Under Armor workout gear that he was so excited about he wouldn't think of wearing anything else to his birthday dinner...
God love him!  I don't think I've ever seen him as excited about a gift in all my days of knowing him.  I had to laugh looking back at this picture.  Taking the picture from the top of our porch steps makes him look like he's shorter than his car.  It also makes him look like he could rip my head off for taking a picture of him, but we all know that would never be the case.  Ha!
Dinner was rolling along smoothly for once.  Towns was happy because Bebby had given her an old touch screen phone that was still in working order...

J didn't even complain about this...

And the girls were actually all getting along...

We all know the truth.  It can only go on for so long before Cate strikes...

She's just pulled Bethany's nicely straightened hair (that you don't touch when it's been fixed just so) and thinks it's hysterical.  Just keeping it real.  It was pretty much down hill from there.  And Brown twins, I'm almost positive we were sitting next to your sister and her sweet family.  I think I was too embarrassed from then on to even look at anyone else in the restaurant, much less claim that the circus at the corner table belonged to us

Sunday morning brought another round of cards and presents.  Cate and Bebs were back on good terms...

I love this one of Bethany...

There's no telling what she's telling me there, but I'm sure it starts with a "Hun" and ends with a "ter".  Or maybe not, but it's highly likely that was the case.
We enjoyed being outside for a while at home but ended up at Pt. Mallard.  That was only after I had to divert these two clowns' attention away from chasing me down in the Escalade trying to run over my toes...

That would be the source of the smiles and laughter there!
I joke about it all, but we really did have a great weekend centered around one extremely hip dad and unbelievable husband...

He thinks he's terribly out numbered, but I remind him that those three will make over him when he's older.  My mom and her two sisters pampered my Pop like crazy, and I can't help but think those three chicks just might follow suit.  After all, we definitely owe it to him!

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