Monday, August 29, 2011

Chocolate Covered Everything

The girls and I spent yesterday afternoon in the kitchen covering everything in chocolate.  I mean, can you think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon?  Pretty sure I can't.  It started with strawberries, and then we kept finding reasons to dip anything and everything in our chocolate.  We didn't stop there.  It wouldn't be a party without sprinkles!  I have a thing for sprinkles.  They just make me happy...maybe because they're so colorful?  We didn't get double boiler fancy with our chocolate, though.  We went the quick and easy route (that made for an easier clean-up as well)...
I voted for rainbow sprinkles, but I was outnumbered by two little girls who are obsessed with whatever holiday is coming next...
Halloween sprinkles it was!  Never mind the fact that Halloween is two months away.  The girls base everything around holidays and what time of year it is.  Since summer is technically over, that obviously means Halloween is right around the corner. :)

How can it be that my children are so into shoes and want to own every pair they see, but then don't ever want to wear them?  Case in point...

I escorted them into church Sunday morning with shoes, but they came out barefoot. Both of them!

Mrs. Propst tells me Towns stays barefoot in her classroom, but that she can hardly get onto her for it because she'd rather be barefoot herself.  Now church is one thing, but not wearing shoes at school sort of makes me nauseous.  We had numerous conversations before school started about keeping shoes on at school because I had a feeling it might become an issue.  And it has, of course.

I just realized I'm going in reverse order of our weekend.
We'll roll with it.  

Saturday morning was one I'd been looking forward to for a while.  My good friend Blazer, or Elizabeth if you're not on board with calling everyone by their last names, and her husband Blake are expecting twins and a shower was definitely in order!  I vividly remember multiple conversations while at Auburn about baby names.  She picked Palmer and Price from the start, and it's so exciting that Palmer and Price will now make their grand entrance in a few short months.  There was no shortage of good food, good conversation, and great friends...
And how cute is this?!

Our crew plus four, no make that five (can you guess who the other one is?), little ones you can't see in their mamas' bellies...
I love those girls!  They make me laugh like no other.  And after all these years (thirteen to be exact) it feels like old times when we're all together again.
We still affectionately call each other Roommate...

Always have, always will I'm sure!
Ever since I've known Blazer, she's been the ultimate celebrity guru.  I had to smile when I was seated at our table and in front of me was a quiz that listed twins and you had to guess which celebrity they belong to.  She must have rubbed off on me, because I am proud to admit that I knew almost all of the answers without cheating and Googling them!
These girls are also near and dear...

Blazer's roommates.  I adopted them, or maybe they adopted me.  When I talk about them, their names come out in one word...NinaStephandErin.  You don't get one without the other!  I should have put them in that order before we took the picture.  Here it's Erin, Steph, me, Blazer and Nina.  They flew in from Jacksonville for the fun!  The five of us spent a glorious week in Paris during Spring Break of our senior year at Auburn.  Oh the memories (and stories)...

One more outside shot before it was time to depart... 

Minus the star of the show - Blazer you must have been inside?!  Price and Palmer got so many goodies that were to die for.  And don't for one second think they won't come into the world not knowing what an owl is.  They will be outfitted, bibbed, and everything else in owls!  Sweet little Chi O babies, God love them!
I'm so happy for you, Blazer.  I can't wait to meet the newest members of the Sloan family! 

Friday afternoon was a big one.  Grandmommy and Pop came to visit, and Bethany had her first pep rally. The Decatur vs. Austin pep rally had a Jersey Shore theme which never disappoints.  Poofy hair and fist pumps were the name of the game.  And you better believe that Bethany had it down pat.  It takes major talent to fist pump in a full extension...

I love that picture.  Even though you can't see her face, you can see the crowd is totally following her lead.  And a certain someone is fixated on her, but he shall remain nameless!
After the pep rally, the minutes seemed like hours while we were waiting for Grandymommy and Pop to arrive.  They are always so sweet and do whatever the girls want to do.  That includes being up at 5:30 on a Saturday morning and at the park by 6:15.  Now that's love, folks!

This morning we pulled out the pink cowgirl boots...

The second it hits low 60's in the mornings we just can't help ourselves.  It did just that this morning with a cool, crisp 62 degrees.  I do believe that Fall (albeit subtly) is in the air...


  1. It was so good to see you, tt! Thanks again for coming up on Saturday! Love you:)

  2. So glad you could make it! Good Lord, there are a lot of prego hormones in those pictures! Mine must have traveled to my face! LOL!

  3. This post makes me smile for so many reasons!! So sad I couldn't be there!! Love yall!
