Monday, August 22, 2011

JUG Summer Formal

After such a fun and full weekend, it was hard to get going this morning.  I sure wasn't ready to rise and shine so early, but if I'm not up and getting Towns ready for school no one else is going to do it for me!  As you can tell, we're still adjusting to having to be somewhere at a given time to avoid a tardy.  Last year kindergarten started at 8:30 which was much easier to be on time for - and if we were a few minutes late it was perfectly fine.  Such a stark contrast this go 'round!

Friday night Bethany had a night with her friends which left us with two little girls who haven't quite gotten the concept that it's ok for their big sister to do things with other people. They're a little territorial!  So we had dinner and a movie...complete with Towns and Cate giving me a pedicure.  One foot was covered in gold polish with white polka dots (Towns' choice) and the other was lavender with hot pink streaks that were supposed to be polka dots (Cate's choice).  The beauty of being really tired while that was going on is telling myself I'd take it off in the morning, which I forgot to do.  I went all over town the next day sporting such a fancy pedicure and didn't realize it until mid-afternoon.  Saturday was all about Bethany and helping her get ready for JUG formal that night.  Not only did she need a formal dress (for lead out), but she also needed a party dress (for band party) as well.  You would think I'd have that down by now, but I didn't even think about it until she reminded me Saturday morning.  So we set out to find the perfect party dress.  We scored big with a cute one that only needed to be altered two sizes to make it fit.  My sewing kit is obviously my new best friend these days.  Somehow we made it work, and it fit like a glove.  She was armed and dangerous with two perfect dresses for the night!  She got dolled up and was a knock out, as usual.  I think her date should consider himself a lucky fellow...
A little closer up...
She pushed him out of the way to get a solo shot...
Kidding.  Well, almost!  One more of the two of them...
Lead out was at Mallard Farms which is one of our favorite spots in Decatur.  Despite the sweltering heat and humidity, it made the perfect backdrop.  All the JUG girls...
B and her sophomore friends...
 While we were waiting for it to start, the girls found a friend and they fed the ponies boat loads of hay...
 And finally, it was time...
I've yet to figure out my camera and didn't get the best action shots, but I still think she's pretty even when she's blurry...
Once lead out was over, it was time to let loose and dance the night away.  And after hearing her recap of the night, I think it's safe to say she very much enjoyed herself!
Oh, to be a teenager again...

1 comment:

  1. She's just too pretty!!! Still can't believe she is so growny!
