Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Peace, Love, 1st Grade

Go ahead.  Just give us a reason throw a party and we're all over it.  The April tornadoes squelched our desire to have Towns' birthday party (it didn't help that we still didn't have power on party day), and for a laundry list of reasons we never found a great time to reschedule.  We were originally supposed to have a painting party that my good friend Jess puts on.  She's so creative, organized, and amazing with kids which obviously means she's the perfect party planner.  I told her that I'd get the canvases prepped and ready to go for our April party.  In fact, I put all three girls to work painting those canvases a pretty shade of pink right after I rescued them from school the day the tornadoes hit.  They've been sitting here collecting dust ever since, so there was no doubt we needed to remedy that.  And we did just that with a belated birthday/back to school party Sunday afternoon!  Towns loves to get a party going, so she was so excited to help me get everything set up.  She brought her CD player outside with the perfect party mix music which eventually turned into a full on dance party.  And everyone knows you can't concentrate on painting without tons of candy surrounding you to keep you motivate...
Or so said the six year old.  She picked colorful Skittles, Pixie Sticks, Laffy Taffy and gumballs. Yum!
 Someone once told me that peace signs are all the rage in 1st grade, so that's exactly what we decided to paint...
Towns and Madelyn...
They painted, took a candy break, painted some more, you get the idea...
Bethany was my go-to girl Sunday afternoon.  She's such a sport!
Blondie takes painting so seriously...
Everyone else was finished, but she took her dear, sweet time!
She was done at the first talk of opening presents, though...
As if the girls hadn't had enough sweets, it was time for cupcakes and ice cream...
And what would a party be without something fun for our friends to take home?
Peace, Love, 1st Grade shirts!
After the party, Jess worked her magic on the paintings and got them ready for us to deliver to our friends...

How frilly and cute are they?!  What's even better is that they're ready to be hung in the perfect spot.
Thanks Jess...the party was a hit! 
Can't think of a better way to ring in the 1st grade year!


  1. Cute!! Cute!! Girl, I'm glad that you don't live here, you and I would be party animals!!! ; )

  2. precious party and i love the tshirts!
