Thursday, September 15, 2011

Open House & the Open Road

Monday night I accompanied Towns to Ben Davis' Open House.  It was a 45 minute session of her leading me around by the hand showing me anything and everything she could possibly think of.  And I loved every minute of it...who knows how much longer she'll be willing and ready to do something like that hand-in-hand!  She showed me the art room, the drama room, Spanish room, the lit lab, and we covered every square inch of her classroom.  When I'm in her class during the week, I'm usually trying to hurry and get my jobs done and get out as to not disrupt their routine.  So it was nice to do just the opposite that night with my little lovey.  We sat in the floor and played math games...
We played with these rubber band things that I don't know the name of...
 She showed me her math journal...
(She still writes a 6 backwards every single time!)
We played at the art center for a while...
And then as I was going through some of her things, I found this...
It made me smile.  Maybe it's because she writes like she talks.  You know, just like it sounds.  Frand.
And perhaps my favorite is that she only gave the recipient one option...
I didn't get the full story on who she made it for, but I'm glad we're keeping it on the "frand" level rather than the alternative!

Now onto the open road...
One of the things I love about J's job is that it's always a surprise as to what he's going to drive home from work in.  Sometimes that means we're riding around in a four door truck to accommodate dog training and motorcycle riding, sometimes we're in a Buick, and then sometimes if we're really lucky he brings home something really cool...
Towns made the comment the other day that she would love to be able to ride in one, and her daddy made it happen. There's something about putting a car seat in the back of a Jeep that just doesn't feel natural.  But he's only got it for a few days and we're only riding in town so it's all good!  Other than being a little ill about it messing up their hair, they've had a ball with it.  B begged me to take her to school the other morning (as opposed to J taking her ) so it wouldn't ruin her freshly straightened 'do.  Funny, funny girls!
 As long as Buggy has shades on so the sun doesn't get in her eyes, she's good to go...
She thinks she's hot stuff riding around with the top down!

Totally off the subject, but I think I might be the only person in Decatur who has never been to Zen Beri.  Until last Sunday after church when the girls and I had the afternoon to ourselves.  Towns has been once with her friend Emma and assured me it was worth the trip.  We tried six kinds of yogurt which is a tad bit ridiculous, but we just couldn't help ourselves.  Our favorite was white chocolate mousse (with cookie dough) and the watermelon sorbet (because it's hot pink).  There's never a shortage of laughs when I take these two anywhere...
That usually means we get a lot of stares, but I'm ok with it.
Life's too short to be boring! :)


  1. Love it that you are loving school about as much as Towns is! The rubberband things are called geoboards. You use them to make shapes and symmetry with rubberbands!

  2. Fun! Fun! Fun! I love how y'all are always making everything fun:)
