Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall Festivals Galore

What a week.  It's been a whirlwind, no doubt. In a hurried attempt to get caught up, this will likely be more pictures than words...

DCMS Fall Frenzy came and went and was a big hit with a certain 1st grader.  We didn't find any replacement fish, but we did have Wal-mart vouchers for gold fish which I'm sure parents appreciated immensely.  I know I wasn't too upset about accidentally misplacing our vouchers.  Wink, wink.
Towns promptly secured her place in line to get her face painted...
Cate was entirely too impatient to wait her turn and ended up in tears over it taking so long.  All she wanted to do was hit the big blow up maze...
Who says you can't function like normal in fifty pounds of fluff?  Not Towns, that's for sure...
That's what she picked out that morning and I went with it. How on earth she climbed, jumped and slid with all that poofiness is beyond me!

Both of them took their daddy by the hand and drug him from one end of the school to the other a dozen times.  But then again, isn't that what daddies are for?
Buggy did end up getting her face painted eventually, but opted for the quick and easy method...
Cheek stencils only!
It was hard to keep up with Towns as she wanted to make the rounds with her friends...

Sweet girls!

Fast forwarding a couple of weeks...
Last Friday was Cate's Fall Festival at school.  She's opted to be "Dorfy" for the second year in a row.  I gave her endless options, and she meant she wasn't considering any of them.  She was too tall for last year's Dorothy costume, so we found another one and that's all she wrote...

I'm not sure if I can accurately describe how close those two are.  Cate told me the other day that Ella was "like our forf (fourth) kid."  It's sort of true!
J and I strolled into the big event together and I didn't get a second glance, but someone else did...

That baby loves her daddy!
This was all the love I got...

I'm fine with playing second fiddle when J's around.  She and I are joined at the hip most days which is what keeps me going!

Cate was interested in three things, and three things only.
Ella's brother, Ridge...

Her bag full of candy...

And being a wild child on the big slide...

 J talked her into doing flips down the slide, which led to the other kids trying it out.  One day they're going to ban us from these events...

 I love this little face...

Every time I put her in her car seat in the car, she latches onto me and gives me the best hugs.  Yesterday she told me she wanted to hug me "fa evah and evah" in her little southern accent which made me want to smooch her face off. She's pretty funny.  Last weekend we got out my grandparents' first bedroom suit to paint and put in the girls' room.  Want to know why she started crying when she saw this?

She thought we were moving her outside.  Have you ever?!

One more thing before duty calls...
 Do you know what today is?  Exactly 25 days until this cutie will be blowing out 16 candles...
It goes without saying...she's counting down the days like never before!

1 comment:

  1. Precious pics!!!! Pinch me...still can't believe we are counting down the days till 16..seems like just yesterday she was a baby!
