Monday, October 10, 2011

Homecoming 2011

Last week was Homecoming for Bethany which is always such a fun week around here.  Float building, a bonfire pep rally, a parade, and then a big win Friday night?  Doesn't get much better than that!
The parade is my personal favorite.  
 These chicks sort of like it, too...
And what they really liked was tearing The Paper Chase to pieces trying to find the perfect colored pony tail holders to go on their wrists like the big girls wear...
Mission accomplished!  By the end of the afternoon we'd made four trips in and out.  Talk about commotion...we created it in that precious store!

Towns was so excited that a couple of new friends from school were there, and I only wish I had a picture of the four of them dancing to the band as it marched by...
Sweet girls!

It's always fun to see the class floats.  I wasn't the only one who thought the sophomores got robbed of winning the competition...
Theirs was so good - definitely not a last place float!
It's all about the memories, though.  Win or lose, I'm sure they had a ball building it together.

Finally, we saw what we'd been waiting to see.  Bethany is of celebrity status to her sisters, and they were so proud to show her off to their friends!
There's just something about seeing this little thing coming down Bank Street that makes me smile...
She's about as cute as it gets...but maybe I'm a little biased!
She gave us a wave, and just like that she was gone...
Friday night she helped cheer the Raiders on to victory which was the icing on the cake.
{I didn't dare pull out my camera at the game as I've been warned about that before...ha!
Thanks JM for doing it for me!}
I say it all the time, but oh to be a teenager again...

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