Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Scars & Skipping Rocks

After a week of looking like she took a spiked club to the chin, I'm happy to report that blondie is looking (and feeling) more like herself again.  I was so worried about what that injury would leave behind.  So far, so good.  Her chin is a bit red, but that's nothing that a little Mederma and vitamin E won't cure.  She was pretty excited when the yucky stuff started peeling off and she could see her "real face" again as she called it...
Her left knee and arm still look rough.  She's getting there, though.  And I'm not sure if she's walking with a sympathy limp or if it really hurts that bad, but I'll baby her all day long no matter what!  Other than that, she hasn't skipped a beat or complained about how she's felt.  She usually milks her ailments for all they're worth, so I have been pleasantly surprised this go 'round.

I don't know about y'all, but if feels like we never slow down.  Tuesdays are the one day a week when we don't have anything to do or anywhere to be after school, so we took full advantage of some much needed down time yesterday. There's no better place to do that than at the park, naturally!
Cate took her show on the road.  She's a clown wherever we go...
Towns loves to give me heart attacks.  She knows better than to climb to the top of the twisty slide, but she does it anyway.  I caught her in the act, and she knew she was so busted...
How quickly she forgets what happens when you don't listen to your mother's warnings!
She changed her tune and told me that she wasn't planning on climbing to the top in the first place...
She just needed a "quick rest" or so she said.

We ventured down to the river, but not before a good dose of sisterly love...
Okay, okay.  I give.  This is what it's really like most of the time...
Except usually it's Cate trying to bite Towns or something other than kissing her.
Both of them love climbing on the rocks and playing by the river...
  That goes way back.  When Bethany and Towns were younger, their favorite thing to do at the park was climb on the rocks and wade out knee deep or so just so they could get their clothes wet.  Some things never change because that's exactly what the girls wanted to do yesterday.  I got their minds off of it by trying to teach them how to skip rocks.  I don't know about your children, but mine take things very literally.  I should have known better than to tell them that the trick to skipping rocks is to throw it "side arm".  Towns hurled her huge rock to the side as hard as she could.  That wouldn't have been a problem had her sister not been standing a foot away from her and taken a blow to the forehead.  I'm not sure how she rationalized that throwing her rock to the side would have allowed it to skip across the water that was right in front of her, but nevertheless she felt really bad about nailing Cate.  I probably should have started the lesson with the tip that small, smooth rocks skip better.  Maybe then Towns wouldn't have been holding a boulder in her hand when she decided to throw it to the side.  All Jonathan could do was shake his head, laugh, and tell me that I should have left him in charge of teaching them how to skip blasted rocks.  Other than the head injury, they loved it...
Between Towns' bike wreck under my supervision and now this rock throwing incident, my dear husband has an arsenal of ammunition.  He's a teaser if there ever was one.  I have a feeling he won't be letting me forget this for a while...

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog and I love it! Your posts are hilarious :)
