Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Little of Everything

It's stormy here.  It stormed all night long...which means sleep was minimal because our children don't value it much anyway, but definitely don't like sleeping through a storm.  This is what I'm listening to right now.  It kind of gets me going when my eyes are this heavy and caffeine isn't really helping!  And with this weather also comes the lack of motivation to do anything productive at the moment.  So with that...

What would you do if you walked into your kitchen, tripped over blankets, chairs and stools that were set out to act as a restaurant, kindly told your six year old that she needed to get a handle on the mess she was making so that I could have room to cook dinner, and she (not so kindly) replied, "well, Mommy, that's just what happens when you have creative kids" with that tone of voice that she knows better than to use?  And then what would you do when she asked you to walk her into school and you find her brand spanking new Kindle Fire in her desk...the Kindle Fire you told her repeatedly not to take to school?  Any answers?  I need them, that's for sure.  Blondie has been a firecracker here lately and I'm wondering where my real Towns has gone!  I know she's just testing her limits.  Cate went through that forever ago...she got a jump start obviously.  But this is a new one for me because Towns is usually the child who would sooner die than break a rule.  Praying it's just a phase and that enough tough love will do the trick.  Minus a few little kinks like that to work out, she's as sweet as sugar and I couldn't possibly love her more.  She's recently discovered that she loves history.  Yesterday she got very animated while telling me the life story of Christopher Columbus and then decided she was going to make a globe.  I printed out a map of the world for her to go by. She couldn't quite figure out how to make it round, and she didn't want to stick with the notion that the world is flat.  This is what she came up with...
I'm also wondering where my ribbon-wearing girl has gone.  She ditched bows a long time ago, so ribbons were our saving grace.  And now it's this...
A barrette.  So trivial in the grand scheme of things, but she looks so growny.  Makes me want to press rewind!!
And then there's Cate.  Have I ever mentioned that she desperately asks for God to give us a baby every day of her life?  Towns gave her a dose of reality the other day when she was going on and on about the baby we're theoretically going to have.  She said, "Cate you know that Mommy and Daddy are not having another baby, so you might as well move on to something else."  To which Cate replied, "um, yes Towns, they are because I pray for it every day and God will give us a baby since I've been asking so nicely."  I've had to put out a lot of fires lately in that area.  She's told Sunday school teachers, school teachers, parents of her friends, etc. that we're having a baby, that it's a girl, that's she's very excited about it, and that it will be here in September.  So if you've been on the receiving end of that story, I apologize.  It's not true, but my child would give anything for it to really happen.  Every time we're in Target she begs to go to the baby section so we can buy everything we need for this baby.  She has it all planned out.  The other day we got a Kelly's Kids catalog in the mail.  She pays no attention to the fact that they're selling clothes...she thinks they're selling children.  She asked if I had $48 to buy the baby she had picked out and that she was sure I could just order it online.  Simple as that.  It's time for an intervention!  The only thing that remotely gets her attention off of a baby is talking about this...

That's her cousin Amy's Christmas present, Bennett.  It's the tiniest thing I've ever seen and is just Cate's size.  She says she would do without a baby if we'd get her one.  J is definitely not going for that.  For the most part I'm with him.  But seeing how happy that little ball of fluff made her would almost be worth the feeling of having a newborn again.  Almost. I hear having one that tiny is like having a baby all over again.
Moving right along...

How sweet are these three?

Friday night we went to watch B cheer at the big Decatur/Austin basketball game.  Towns and Cate spent their time staring at their sister in hopes that she'd throw a glance their way.  They felt pretty special when she came to give them a squeeze during halftime.  They'd been working hard on a dance for a couple of months that she'd told me we had to see.  I know I say it all the time, but I so wish I could slip into a cheerleader "unicorn" as Cate calls it and pretend I was in high school for just one night.  It looks like so much fun!
Here's the video.

In other news, Buggy is the proud owner of her very own library card...

She has a new found love of the library and wants to go every day.  I think it's partly because she loves books and partly because she thinks she's hot stuff with her new plastic!

I'll end with this...

Friday afternoon was perfect for a trip to the park by the river.  It was actually warm enough to stay for a couple of hours, thank goodness!  Emma and Towns spent lots of time making up dances and cheers, most of them involving trying to throw Cate up in a basket toss which never had the outcome they desired...

Word on the street is that there's a talent show coming up at Ben Davis.  They've spent months talking it over and planning it out.  Apparently they spend a lot of time at school discussing.  I know this because I got a phone call from one of her friend's mothers asking when practice was.  Then she informed me she heard I was making the costumes?!  And to top it all off, the other day I found an outline in Towns' desk that went over outfit and song choices for their dance.  I had to apologize to Mrs. Propst in advance if she'd seen it because it went something like this:
1. sports bra
2. tan tights
3. booty shorts
And I'll stop there.  I gently guided them in the opposite direction while I had the opportunity to spend a few hours with them at the park.  We'll see how that goes.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

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