Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Happy Heart Day

Well, Valentine's Day has come and gone and we've consumed enough sugar to last a lifetime.  Going into it I always say I'm not going to let it happen, but inevitably it always does!  At 9:00 Tuesday night, J and I were ready to put an infinite ban on sugar in our house because these two just wouldn't give it up...
I suppose that's just the way it goes on Valentine's Day!  Bethany got her basket full of goodies before school along with Towns and Cate, but she refused to get in the picture.  Should have known better than to ask that early in the morning. Ha!
Overboard is usually my middle name, but I promised myself I would keep it simple this year...
And simple it was!  They'd had their eye on those sweet pink dogs at the Hallmark store since the first of January.  I told them that might be the perfect Valentine's treat.  When Cate saw hers she told me she was so happy I "kept my promise".  If that's all it takes to make her happy we'll have it made!
It was party central in Mrs. Propst's class that day.  As in a party at 10 and a party at 1.  They were partied out before it was all over was I! They had a blast and were pretty cute while they were at it...
Cate doesn't stray too far from Towns.  She's usually right in the middle of whatever is going on...
They ate (and ate some more) and then had a Hershey Kiss relay race...
The object of the game is to put on a pair of mittens, unwrap and eat a Hershey Kiss, take the mittens off and then pass it to the next person in line before the other team is finished.  It was absolutely hilarious!
I couldn't let the day get away from me without this one...
We ducked out of school a little early only to come home to find some really fun treats Stephanie left for the three girls...
Thank you Mrs. Stephanie!!  You're SO sweet!

This has week has been a busy one at our house.  Between Valentine's Day, a school talent show, a field trip and three birthday parties, well, let's just say this mama will be ready to crash!
I'll be honest, caffeine is my best friend these days...

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