Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hot to Trot

The other day Bethany strolled in from school looking like she'd been to game day on the Plains.  Hence the title of this one.  My heart sort of skipped a beat.  She'd left in such a hurry that morning that I didn't see her dressed and ready to go.  She was so stinking cute.  Naturally, I had to break out the camera...
 I couldn't get over her cuteness.  However, she could totally get over me and my camera.  Really quick!  That's her "what in the world are you doing" face.  Love her!

That same day blondie soared through a check up at the dentist and afterwards decided she wanted to try to build her own basketball goal.  Don't idea where that came from.  The good news?  No cavity bugs...ever!  So proud of her.  Especially since brownies, cookies, candy, etc. are her favorite foods.  You name it, she loves it.  And I love her...

I must be in a lovey dovey mood today?!  I think it's the sunshine.  We haven't seen it in a while!

Cate and I hung around Towns' class this morning to see if we could catch a certain bookworm's report on sea horses.  She worked diligently trying to prepare for it last night.  Right down to the numbered note cards, I might add.  I did my part and made her a shirt to go along with her theme...
Look at those sleepy eyes!  When I tried to wake her up this morning she wasn't really going for it.  But when I reminded her that it was book report day those eyes popped open and she was out of the bed in a flash.
J says she's such a nerd.  We're not complaining, though!
She makes me laugh...
I printed out a picture from when we went to the Georgia Aquarium back in September for her to use as a visual.  She read through her facts about sea horses and took questions from the class...
Have I mentioned how much we adore Mrs. Propst?  Let me say it a few more times.
Adore, adore, adore her!

This is the new background on my phone from our girls-only date to Zen Beri...
Blurry, yes.  Could they get any sweeter?  Nope!

1 comment:

  1. Only you, well I probably would too, have a matching shirt for book report day! Love it! Bethany is so beautiful, still have to pinch myself when I look at her all grown up! ;)
