Friday, February 10, 2012

No News

We must lead extremely boring lives.  There's really nothing new and exciting to blog about.  Other than the fact that Cate's dream came true the other day.  She got a lap full of sweetness to love on when the Pylant girls were over...
Annie is the sweetest, most precious thing and Buggy truly thinks she's babysitting her whenever she's around.  She's totally and completely smitten...
The baby talk was beginning to die down a little.  Until the last week or so when Cate and Annie have lots of snuggle time.  Now it's back to wanting to know why God hasn't given us a baby!
Even Towns is into the idea...
She and her little sister had their babies in carriers and were ready to roll before school this morning.  And I'm not going to pretend I didn't let them buckle them in the car and all.  Some things are worth fighting and some things aren't.  This was one of those that wasn't!

Did you know that today marks exactly one month and ten days until the first day of Spring?  It's true.
We're excited about that...
 Winter is for the birds!

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