Monday, March 12, 2012

Our Little Secret

With Towns' 7th birthday quickly approaching (as well as many meltdowns by yours truly because of it), I decided to start a little tradition.  Something for the two of us.  Kind of like our little secret, except it's not really a secret.  It's mainly for me to have to look back on years down the road, and for her when she has children of her own.  When she was little, I kept a journal where I'd write down the things we did each day and the funny little things she said. Mind you, this is before Cate was born and it sort of went out the window after that.  She loves to read through it.  She'll ask questions or say that she remembers doing the very things she's reading about.  She was around two years old, so I'm not sure she really does remember.  Sometimes she's pretty adamant about it, so I'll go with it.  The other day I bought a little notebook and on the first page I wrote her a note.  I told her to write me a note back and put the notebook in a special spot where I could find it.  Let me tell you...she has totally gone to town with it!  It's the sweetest thing.  This morning I found it in my jewelry drawer and couldn't help but smile at the little stinker.  Usually I know where she's hidden it, but she got me this time.  I absolutely adore her!

This was her note to me yesterday...
The "ool" part is read "aww".  She informed me of that when I was having trouble figuring it out.  Love how she says she will always love me even when I'm silly.  Which is a lot, by the way.

Friday afternoon, J and Cate were working in the yard while I took Towns to her tennis lesson.  When I got home Buggy was oh so excited to show me what they found...
It also happens to be right outside our kitchen window, so we can watch the mama bird and her eggs without scaring her away.  It's a dove I do believe.  The eggs are pretty big compared to other nests we've seen around our house.  I don't know why I got really excited about this find, other than the fact that it's fun to find something like this when you have children who can watch the process from start to finish.  Cate the Bird Watcher is much more interested in the eggs than anyone else in the family.  She honestly thinks these baby birds will be her new pets and will live here forever.  She's already decided what she'll fed them and what she'll name them.  Eventually I'll have to break it to her that they'll leave the next when they're ready.  I'll cross that bridge when we get there.  Just another sign that my favorite time of the year is finally here!


  1. Mack and I do the same it!!!!

  2. My Grandmother told me that having a bird's nest outside your window is a sign of good luck! :)
