Monday, March 26, 2012

A Weekend at Home

For the first time in a long time we had a weekend with everyone home and no place we had to be.  Do you know how good that feels?  Pretty great, actually.
If we went anywhere, it was by bicycle.  And if we did anything, it was outside.
That pretty much sums it all up.

Friday afternoon the girls pulled out the moon sand.  My inclination was to redirect them to something a little less messy.  But it was Friday.  And Fridays usually do something to me.  So we played the afternoon away on the front porch and enjoyed the sunshine...

Saturday morning we were up bright and early as not to let a second of the day get away from us.  We rode our bikes to breakfast.  Let me try that again.  J and I rode our bikes while the girls had the luxury of riding a battery operated scooter and Escalade.  Talk about the stares we got as we pulled into the parking lot.  It looked like the circus had come to town.  That's not too far off if you want to know the truth about it!
After our breakfast date, Towns picked some flowers from the yard and decided she was going to try her hand at flower arranging...
We pulled out the tiny little Easter tree from last year and decorated it while we were in the decorating mood...

I thought it would be fun to try an Easter egg crafting project I saw in my Martha Stewart Living magazine.  The idea behind it is to paint hard boiled eggs with glue, cover them in translucent glitter, and then dye them once the glue has dried.  After just trying the glue and glitter part of it, I'm convinced that Martha wasn't prettifying her eggs with help from children.  Thank goodness we were once again on the porch for this little project.  Otherwise the kids would have painted the walls with glue and covered the house with glitter.  It was everywhere.  The good thing about crafting outdoors is that you can sweep it off the porch and it looks as if the glue/glitter malfunction never happened!  The girls thought it was fun, though...
We haven't dyed them yet.  I'll report back on that once we've tackled it!  Wish us luck...

 While we were busy going crazy with glitter, B was prepping for her JUG Spring Date Night.  As I've said before, I dare not pick anything out and buy it without her seeing it first.  So shopping for an outfit consisted of me texting her a picture of a cute dress I found and me crossing my fingers!  She gave it her seal of approval, so I made the purchase and it was a done deal.  As always, she looked beautiful...

Towns wanted a picture with her sister, but the hair in the face sort of threw me off...
And this one, well, Cate jumped in the middle of us nearly knocking us over when Towns snapped the picture....
Anyone surprised by that?  I didn't think so.
Bethany and her date...
Who might still lose a limb if I see him after he left her
to find her own ride home.  She had fun anyway, so in the end he didn't rain on her parade.
What's wrong with boys these days?! Moving right along...

 After church and a family lunch yesterday, J being the sweet and fun daddy that he is decided that we should go fishing.  Fishing with little girls is quite the experience.  I fully expected Towns to be the one to sit it out and Cate to be the one to enjoy it.  They always surprise me, though.  Towns loved it and was determined to catch the first fish...

She caught the only fish of the day!

Buggy was perfectly content with her iPod touch and a baby doll...

She did give it a go, but it only lasted about .5 seconds...

I kept her entertained with worms while the fishermen did their thing...

We tried to catch tadpoles but had zero luck.  That might have something to do with the fact that tadpoles don't hang around when a 4 year old is stomping around in the shallow water in her rain boots while screaming, "there's one Mommy, get it, get it, get it"!

The afternoon ended with climbing trees, church, and a nighttime bike ride around the neighborhood...

And it's Monday again.
Why do Mondays come around so fast?
If it's got to be a Monday, at least it's a hot and pretty one!

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