Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Eight Years!

A couple of weeks ago I got an email from J.  It was a forward of the hotel reservation he'd made to surprise me for our anniversary.  We both stay pretty busy, so a weekend away for just the two of us is almost unheard of.  It was perfection.  Absolute perfection.  And the fact that he did it all on his own without me knowing a thing about his little plan made it even sweeter!

We started out with a dinner reservation with two really fun people...

A nice European woman offered to take our picture, and I'm not sure they operate cameras the same way in France as we do in America.  It's alright, though.  The poor picture quality is no reflection on what a good time we had!  I probably accumulated a few new laugh lines after that night!!

We had the most relaxing weekend.  I love a getaway with no agenda.  And it doesn't hurt that I spent it with the most fantastic man I know.  Seems like we were just kids standing on the beach in Seaside eight years ago today...
We have fun.  It's that simple.  It's been an adventure, and I wouldn't have it any other way!  He's the best daddy three girls could ever ask for, my best friend and my whole heart.  And I'm 99.9% sure he deserves an award of some sort for putting up with yours truly for eight whole years.  He'd 99.9% agree!

We always enjoy our time together, and this time was no different.
But Sunday we couldn't wait to get our hands on these two doll faces...

Those aprons are a sure sign we had a project to complete when we got home.  We dug into our glittered eggs and put a little color on them.  I originally complained about Martha's complicated glue and glitter ordeal, but of course she always knows what she's talking about. That's the frustrating thing about that woman!  They turned out really pretty.  You can't go wrong with neon food coloring when it comes to dying eggs...

We didn't fool with the wire things that you use to dip your eggs.  Those are for the birds!  It always ends up being a disaster when an egg falls off and cracks or one of the girls knocks the cup over with it and the dye goes all over the place.  We wised up and went the easier route...
Plastic spoons...they worked like a charm and there were no catastrophes!
I love how egg-dying is serious business.  They concentrate so hard and put lots of thought into it...
Yesterday I caught Buggy like this...
It never fails.  If there's something to be gotten into, she's going to get into it!
She knew she was caught...

It's hard to get on to her, though...
She's sort of got me wrapped around that little finger of hers!