Thursday, June 7, 2012

VBS & Such

Allow me to dust off the keyboard and reintroduce myself.  My name is Tara, and I've fallen prey to summer "vacation" (that's a joke) and all that goes along with it.  If you have children at home, you are fully aware that the words "summer vacation" should not be used together in a sentence.  Let's just say we have been finding new ways to channel all the *clearing my throat here* energy we have.  As long as I can keep it flowing in a positive direction, it's smooth sailing.  If it ever starts going south, it's not pretty.  My darling angels would never let that happen, though.  Would yours?
This week is Vacation Bible School at our church.  I love everything about it.  I love the chaos, the energy (there's that word again), the music, the excitement, the children, and everything in between.  What trumps it all is seeing the light bulb come on when you're teaching a Bible story and you know the concept has been driven home.  There's really nothing like it.  That's what it's all about, folks.  I'm teaching one of the four classes of kindergarten kids which is the same group I taught last year - only Towns isn't in my class this time around.  A friend of mine with a child this age asked me to teach with her, and I like her so much I couldn't pass it up.  It's been so different not having one of the girls in my class, but I truly think it's been good for all of us.  However, I've already signed up to teach Cate's group next year because "the clinger" (told you I'd borrow it, Angie!) just can't handle the thought of her mama being in a classroom with kids other than her.  Mercy.  The thing I've loved most about this week is the fact that it's really awakened Towns to the concept of becoming a Christian.  She's asked question after question and we've had lots of talks about it.  I absolutely cannot wait for that moment.  It's the biggest and best decision she'll ever make in her lifetime.  She makes me so proud.
Naturally, we had to add a little flair to the standard VBS attire this week...

As much as I love it all, I'm never sad to retire the t-shirt.  Washing it and wearing it for five days straight will do that to you.
Tonight was family night where the kids show parents, grandparents, etc. what they've learned throughout the week.  Since the younger ones aren't quite old enough to participate on stage, they dressed them up like airplanes (hence the aviation theme) and had them fly up and down the aisles.  Hilarious.  Cate led her class and I'm wishing this one was better, but it is what it is...

The funniest part was their little hats with propellers on top and the wings on their arms.  Love!
Towns' 1st grade class recited the verse for the week on stage...

And what a fine job they did!

Totally off the subject, but I'm still recovering from laughing so hard at these girls last night...
An afternoon play date turned into a mission to raise money for orphans.  Where on earth their ideas come from, I'll never know.  Want to know how they planned on raising money?  A concert on the Tourney family's lawn.  If you think they weren't super serious about it, you're sadly mistaken.
They had instruments and signs for passers by...
And two little helpers armed with caffeine...
It was a sight. J told them he'd give them a twenty just to take the show inside instead of putting it on display for all of southeast Decatur to see.  They didn't take the bait.  They sang, danced and tumbled 'til nightfall.
It was one of those nights where you open the back of your SUV and feed kids pizza out of it because they're having too much fun to call them to the dinner table.  And of course, there were major tears shed when it was time to go.  The only ray of sunshine about that was when Lila and I promised to let them resume their fundraising with a lemonade stand Sunday afternoon.  If you're up for it, come on over.

As if that wasn't enough excitement in itself, we spent this afternoon with the Story boys swimming up a storm...
The future Mr. and Mrs. Brock Story...

I'm only halfway kidding!

Bebs came home today from being gone for almost two weeks.  She did have a one night layover between her week long beach trip and her stay at her mom's house.  She and I happened to be the only two at home, so we snuck away for a dinner date.  And what a precious one she was...
Is she not the cutest?!

I'm not even close to being caught up in the blogosphere, but in true Gone With the Wind fashion I have to say that I'll think about that tomorrow...or next week.  Or the next.


  1. Love that first pic with the boots, adorable!!!

  2. Great start to a fun summer, cute pictures of everyone!
