Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Anyone, Anyone?

Anyone still out there?  We took a four month vacation to a tropical paradise and are just getting back home. I'm sure you believe that about as much as you believe that I will ever catch up on everything we've been doing the past few months.  Here goes...

Since we last talked, Buggy turned five.  A whole hand.  I'm not sure if I can explain how much I love that girl.  She's feisty, sometimes too sassy, full of energy, and she wears me out by nightfall.  But y'all.  She's got the biggest heart, when she decides to do something she's going to do it 110%, and you're blessed if she loves you because when she loves, she loves.  She still can't get enough of babies and animals (or me, as she's hanging around my neck like a monkey all day, every day).  I suppose that will never change.  She already talks about the children she's going to have one day....when she's 40, of course, because she's not allowed to talk to boys until then.
The night before her birthday she dressed her Bitty Baby like this...
That just so happens to be one of the preemie outfits she wore just a few days after she came home from the hospital...
Talk about sentimental!  Goodness.  I'd give my right arm to make her a couple of days old so I can do the last five years again.  It's been such fun!
We kicked off her birthday celebrations with a surprise trip to Huntsville for Disney On Ice...
Absolute awe the entire time...
Her actual birthday started with pink and purple decorations (Doc McStuffins' signature colors) and presents...
Lots of Doc goodies were included, naturally!
For her birthday she got a "thluffy kitty" which is the one and only thing she asked for. We'd been to the animal shelter numerous times shopping around where we found several cute options, but we didn't find "the one" until the week before her birthday.  She fell in love with him but didn't know yours truly had slipped a payment over the counter to reserve him for September 24th.  I picked her up from school early that day and took her straight there.  She just thought we were going to look again.  Little did she know she was about to be the proud new owner of this fur ball...

I took her to the pet store where she took her motherly duties very serious...

Frazier didn't mind being wrapped up in a blanket or thrown on Cate's hip.  In fact, he seemed the happiest when she was babying him...
I can assure you no kitty has ever had such a good mommy...

Frazier went everywhere with us.
To the park...

To school...

And he occasionally made the trip to pick Towns up in the afternoons.  
Frazier was with us for a few months before he went on to a better place and we still cry about that almost every night.  I pinky promised her I'd find her another thluffy kitten just like Frazier, even though I don't know that that sweet little furry angel can ever be replaced.  He loved Cate like crazy.  Wherever she was, he was.
Sweet fluffy baby.

The weekend after her birthday we took a few friends with us to Build A Bear at Parkway Place...
It was a great time with sweet friends!

Next up was Halloween and Bethany's 17th birthday...a post for another day.
Minus a four month gap this time!


  1. Yay! I hope this means you are back and here to stay!:)

  2. Yay! I hope this means you are back and here to stay!:)

  3. I've kinda been on a blog hiatus too! Glad you are back! :)

  4. Soooooo happy you are back. I have really missed reading about your sweet family. Looking forward to catching up!

  5. Yay so glad you are back! Your blog posts make my day! :-)
