Monday, November 26, 2007

It's her world, I'm just living in it...

There's not a day that goes by that my sweet baby Towns doesn't make me laugh, so I'm doing a follow-up from the last post I did about her and the funny things she says....

Towns: Mommy, where's Santa Claus?
Me: Santa lives at the North Pole with Mrs. Claus and all his elves.
Towns: Well then how can he be at the mall?

Towns singing one of her favorite songs...
"How much is that daughter in the window?
The one with the waggly tail.
How much is that daughter in the window?
I do hope that daughter's for sale."

Bethany's birthday was last week and I asked Towns if she wanted to help me wrap her gifts. She said "yep, and we better not forget the tennis shoe paper (you might know it as tissue paper)!"
And here's what she wrapped for me in the midst of getting Bethany's birthday goodies finished up...She took her favorite Care Bear wrapping paper and a piece of tape and fixed me a little old cell phone decorated with Hello Kitty stickers and a fake spider. It doesn't get any sweeter than that, my friends!

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