Saturday, November 24, 2007

Turkey Day 2007

Thanksgiving was quite an event at the McClendons' this year. We didn't have your typical Thanksgiving at all. Rather, we opted to abandon the conventional Thanksgiving traditions and make some new ones of our own. Isn't that the beauty of the holidays? Instead of having a big Thanksgiving meal around the dining room table, Bethany and Towns suggested we all sit on the living room floor. And why wouldn't we? No reason not to at all, so I put a vase and candles in the floor and we ate while making a joint list of what all we're thankful for. Towns added a little spice to our list when she said that she was thankful for Hannah Montana (huge post about that coming when I have 5 hours to sit here and compose it) and milk.
We started off the day watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while making a gingerbread house...

Cate learned how to become somewhat mobile (yes, at 2 months old). She discovered how to push her legs and pull with her arms and get across the floor...

While we were caught up in Cate's newest accomplishment, Towns added her own decorations to the gingerbread house...

The girls got bored with Macy's version of the parade so they loaded themselves and two tons of snacks in the Radio Flyer and made their own parade. Poor Jonathan being the trooper that he is pulled them up and down Grant Street as many times as the 40 degree weather would allow...

Me (the parade bystander), Cate, and the stars of the show...

Many thanks to Maybeline SuperStay lip gloss for the bright shade of pink on Towns' lips and face. Her favorite past time when Bethany is here is to get into her purse and before we knew it she'd painted her entire lower face with this stuff. They bring a whole new meaning to "SuperStay" because it's been on her face for two days now. No amount of scrubbing will remove it. So if you're in the market for long wear lip gloss, go on and give it a'll be getting it off with a chisel.

1 comment:

  1. TT, that looks like an awesome Thanksgiving Day! I love breaking up the tradition sometimes and doing something different. The girls are all precious! Love, 61
