Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Congress spends money like John Edwards in a beauty shop"

This whole blog scene is about to switch gears for me. Usually I'm writing about the fam and such, but I've been prompted to change it up a little bit and be a bit more serious. Being the devout Republican I am, I have been so distraught over which candidate to pick in terms of the Presidential primaries. From day 1 it was George W all the way for me the last 2 rounds, and until just recently I really haven't adopted a candidate to call my own. I've all but put in a personal call to Newt Gingrich begging him to make my day and throw his hat in the ring. I've always been impressed with his knowledge and the way he nails every interview he's ever done. He's the real deal and knows his stuff. I would feel very confident in putting my trust in him to run the country, but he's told me time after time he's not in the way, no how. So then I was somewhat into Rudy since he was the next best choice, or so I thought. He handled 9/11 pretty well and I suppose I can forgive him for being a yankee. But an underdog has captured my attention and, well, so long Rudy. Now, no need to feel compelled to comment on this being that everyone's political views are different. But I really feel the need to give a little shout-out to Mike Huckabee. I wasn't a fan until I heard him in the Republican Debate in Florida. He was AMAZING....the only one on the stage who didn't scream "I'm putting on a show for you to get your vote". I love that he hasn't gotten into the mud-slinging. Of course, that could very well come in the near future but I don't expect it from him. He's a godly man and in my opinion, our country is desperate for someone like him. He's so open with his faith and what you see is what you get. I can't give him enough credit for being the example he's been so far. He might not make it to the finish line, but if the future President takes a few pages from Huckabee's book he'll be doing a good day's work. So maybe he doesn't have the advantage of possessing a wealth of knowledge on foreign policy and everything else that comes along with the job, but I sure do like the guy. So here's to you, Mr. Huckabee, make us proud!

I really think Huckabee's got something special. Something I don't see in any other Republican candidate. And I think the aforementioned "something special" is just what the country is crying out for. If you've got approximately 8 minutes & 11 seconds check him out and see if you fancy the "Congress spends money like John Edwards at a beauty shop" comment as much as I did!

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