Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Busy, Busy!

We've been rather busy around here the last few busy that I haven't had a free second to be on the computer (which is usually my sweet escape). Without making this a mile-long list, here's what we've been up to....

A few weekends ago we went to pick out a Christmas tree which was MUCH overdue being that we get in the Christmas spirit, oh, somewhere around Halloween...

Hmmm, so many trees to choose from!

Ah-hah! Found one!

SO excited about the tree atop our car!
Towns is into dressing herself, and this is the fancy outfit she came up with last Friday...

And she added these stunning leopard "high heels" (aka clogs) to her Christmas outfit...

Bethany and Grandmommy came up last weekend and we finally took the famed (and dreaded by all but me) Christmas card picture...

The picture could have been a LITTLE bit better, but at least all 3 were looking at the camera!

And here are a few little treats thrown in for good measure...

One day they'll hate me for dressing them alike, but for now we'll keep rolling right along!

There's nothing like Halloween 2006's costume doubling as pj's!

Just thought this one was cute...Cate's finally eating so much she's getting a double chin! Love the matter-of-fact look on her face...

Towns' two favorite things...her big sister & fun Christmas toe socks!


  1. TT, Those are all GREAT photos. I love the one of Cate looking all bug-eyed and I love the one of Towns in her Halloween costume! TOO funny!

  2. I found your blog last night and am so thankful to have found it! Your story about Miley Cyrus was the funniest thing I have ever read!!! OH MY STARS!! You are a comedian! I can totally imagine your excitement when she appeared on stage (along with your girls' excitement)!! SOOOOOOOO STINKIN FUNN! I went downstairs and did my best to retell your story! Walker enjoyed the Sunday School story the best! :) Anyway...I love you, TT! Glad to find you on here!

  3. PS...Your 3 girls are BEAUTFIUL!

  4. Hi TT-
    I just wanted to let you know that I'm a blogstalker too! If I remember correctly Cate was born just a day or two before Harper so I like to read about Cate and see what she is up to! And Towns looks like she is quite all the outfits she puts on!
    They are all so adorable.....

    Tara's sis in law Melissa
