Thursday, December 27, 2007

Long Time, No See

It's been quite a week to say the least. Normally I would have posted ten times already about Christmas since we were SO into it this year, but I'm falling down on my job! Everyone in our family has been down for the count in the past week, and when you factor in Christmas and traveling to see our families...well, it's enough to make my head spin! I had emergency surgery last Thursday (it was outpatient, but with two small children demanding my attention the minute I walked in the door from the hospital, it was no less harder to recover from if it would have warranted a 2 night hospital stay), Jonathan was in the ER on Christmas Eve THINKING he was about to require surgery (he's never been to the doctor in his entire life, much less to the emergency room, so I knew he meant business!), and Towns and Cate have had the worst virus for days now. All that to say this, I'm working on getting pictures loaded onto the computer from Christmas and trying to get my thoughts together enough to tell you all about it! Hope yours was merry and bright! :)

1 comment:

  1. My gracious, what on earth is going on with y'all? I hope you're okay. Take your time posting and get well!
