Thursday, January 3, 2008

Another First

Cate is officially a connoisseur of baby food...bananas and sweet potatoes to be exact! She's been such a hungry little thing for the last couple of weeks and was taking up to 5 ozs of formula which is a pretty hefty amount for a 3 month old! Towns never took more than 6 ozs even by the time she was a year old, so 5 ozs for a 3 month old is a lot! So I got to thinking...obviously her little belly isn't getting satisfied with formula alone, so why not try a little rice cereal. The stuff is pretty gross if I do say so myself, and Cate wasn't a fan so we skipped that all together and moved on to bigger and better things. She's been as happy as a bug in a rug the past two days that she's been given these new things to taste! Towns was 3 1/2 months old when she first started eating baby food and Cate is about a week shy of that so we figured why not! Towns turned out just fine starting it so early, so I'm sure Cate will live through it. I went back and looked at Towns' first attempt at it, and I'm going to let you see the pictures of both babies and see if you can tell who is who...

Two happy babies!

NOT so happy when the baby food has run dry!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how when you look back you can see the similarities between the two of them!
