Friday, January 4, 2008


After many attempts at trying to get my Christmas post together, I've decided to forgo the monstrous details and just get down to it...

We had to wake Towns up Christmas morning because Miss Lazy Bones wasn't at all worried about seeing what Santa had left for her. Finally she rose from her beauty rest and this is the precious face I captured as she walked into the living room to see what she'd gotten...

After the initial shock she entered crazy-kid-on-Christmas-morning mode and tore through everything...starting with her Barbie jeep...

And next, the 4-in-1 doll center (complete with a bath, a sink, a highchair, a cradle, and shelves and cabinets underneath...well worth the $39.99 at Target for those of you with baby doll loving gals)...please excuse the blurry picture...

She then discovered her Hannah Montana/Johnny Cash stage and everything else...

I could have saved all our money and just bought her this microphone which turned out to be her favorite gift of all time. Once she opened it, she never put it down. She opened the rest of the presents with microphone in hand!

Next up was a trial run in her new blue rocking chair (it's one of the only things she asked for...I took my dad's old red rocking chair from when he was little, painted it light blue, and covered the seat in pink cheatah fabric). Turns out Cate wasn't a fan of rocking, but they sure did look cute in their matching pj's! Note the microphone is still there...

Santa left her some pretty cool Holy Kitty (aka Hello Kitty, but she's always been Holy Kitty to Towns) slippers in the Christmas tree. Still hasn't turned loose of the microphone...

Since Bug didn't like the rocking chair, Towns wanted to see how she felt about the jeep...the ride didn't go over too well either...

Cate really wasn't trying to be a scrooge, she was just really sleepy...she slept through the rest of our present opening. I had to open her gifts for'll be better next year!

While Cate napped through Christmas morning, Towns tried out her new stage and guitar. A star is born!!

After she tore through the presents, we had to see how the jeep handled on the open sidewalk...

Forgot to include this picture in my Christmas Eve post. This is Towns getting into Santa's cookies while we weren't looking. She got quiet and I found her sitting on the hearth digging into the chocolate chip cookies!

And last, but not least, this is the reaction Christmas morning when she realized "mean old Santa" as she called him had eaten all the cookies without saving her any. We had one fired up chick on our hands! She still hasn't forgotten it either! Every once in a while she'll ask me if I remember Santa eating all the cookies without sharing! :)

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